Brief on the European Union Ghana Agriculture Programme (EU-GAP) In Savannah Ecological Zone



The EU-GAP with total funding of €147million is being implemented over a period of 7 years (2017 – 2024) in 14 districts;  11 in the Upper West Region, 2 districts in North East Region and 1 in Savannah Region. The objective of the Programme is to provide critical infrastructural investments and strengthen integrated business models along selected value chains to stimulate inclusive and sustainable economic growth. The components of the Programme, budget and status of implementation has been presented as follows.

Component / Budget

Component Description

Status of Implementation /

Key Achievements

Component I:  Institutional Capacity Building and Commodity Value Chain Development -implemented by MOAP-GIZ.

Total - €26.3M

EU - 25M

GIZ, 1.3M

Supports integrated business models along selected agricultural commodity value chains that stimulate inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

·  Supported the preparation of 12 District Medium Term Development Plans 2018 – 2021

·  Pre-financed 20 Aggregators to supply agro inputs to 5,459 outgrowers under input supply credit facility

·  370 AEA, NABCO & 30 private partners trained in improved extension delivery

·  10 Water Users Association and PPRSD officers trained as plant doctors to undertake quality inspection of input shops and seed fields. Logistics also provided to operate 14 plant clinics

·  1,763 cashew farmers bought 113,200 improved grafted cashew seedlings (MOAP subsidized transport of seedlings)

·  Supported stakeholders for Mango Study Tour to Peru

·  Facilitated the formation of two Value Chain platforms; Soya Bean Round Table (SBRT) and the Upper West Region Rice Platform linked to National Rice Coordination Committee (NRCC)

Component II:  Resilience Against Climate Change (REACH) by ComCashew - GIZ.

Total - € 19,5 M 

EU - € 17 M

BMZ € 2,5M

Focuses on district and community development planning concerning sustainable management of land assets and natural resources (forest, pastures, soil, and water) to enable a sustainable and inclusive improvement in the rural economy.

·       Primary data collected on development programmes being implemented for the development of digital library

·       Equipment procured and survey conducted for standardization of guidelines and technologies for Conservation Agriculture

·       6 Districts and 18 community land maps developed

·       Procured conservation agriculture equipment for TECAS

·       REACH is in the process of recruiting a Technical Advisor to support the coordination of Programme activities.

·       Initiated development of plans and layout for Conservation Agriculture (CA) demonstration for urban agriculture in the regional office

·       Initiated the development of CA manual and curriculum training of AEAs

Component III:  Productive Investment for Savannah Ecological Zone.

It has four sub-components managed by separate agencies:

  1. Agricultural

Water Management - AFD in partnership with GIDA. €57M (EU contribution of 52M and 5M from AFD)



  1. Transport

Infrastructure - World Bank in partnership with Department of Feeder Roads (DFR)


Solar Energy - € 5M

Matching Fund - € 10M

Both will be managed Africa Investment Platform (AIP) in partnership with other entities

·       Agricultural Water Management; aims to improve water management and provide opportunities for year-round income. Rehabilitation of 9 dams, construction of 6 new dams, groundwater irrigation schemes and direct pumping from the Black Volta

·       Transport Infrastructure in Upper West Region; to build feeder roads and farm tracks to create linkages to market access and irrigation facilities, under the existing Ghana Transport Sector Improvement Project (TSIP)

·       Solar Energy; to provide access to affordable and reliable renewable energy to the agriculture private sector in the project area.

·       Matching Fund; to facilitate access to finance for viable commercial projects for agribusinesses involved in post-harvest and processing in seven selected value chains

  • Agricultural Water Management in Upper West Region: Contract has been signed with a Consultant to undertake a technical feasibility study.
  • Transport Infrastructure: 3 packages totaling 660km of selected feeder roads have been identified for rehabilitation: 
  • Total length of Package 1 -  235km (Nadowli Kaleo, Wa West, Wa Municipal)
  • Total length of Package 2 - 209km (Jirapa, Lawra, Dafiama Bussie, Tizza)
  • Total length of Package 3 -  225km (Nandom, Lambusie, Lawra)

Environmental and Social Assessment has been carried out, Concept Design finalised and procurement of contractors ongoing

  • Solar Energy: Discussions on the implementation modalities and negotiations with key partners such as VRA, NEDCo ongoing
  • Matching Fund: Design of the Scheme has been completed and consultations on implementation arrangements for the scheme is on-going
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