The Ghana Agricultural Sector Investment Programme (GASIP) is a private sector-led value chains programme with a demand and market driven approach in its implementation. GASIP is MOFA’s main programme designed to provide the framework and institutional basis for long-term engagement and supplementary financing for scaling investments in value chains in Ghana. It is currently being funded by IFAD and the GOG. GASIP is nationwide with its National Project Office based in Accra with 2 Zonal offices in Kumasi and Accra.
Read more: Ghana Agriculture Sector Investment Programme (GASIP)
The Food and Agricultural Sector Development Policy (FASDEP) of Ghana, which guides development and interventions in the agriculture sector, lists the following as constraints bedevilling the sector:
- Gender inequality and discrimination against women
- Inadequate road infrastructure
- Limiting market access
- Lack of long-term credit
- Unavailability of high-yielding planting material, poor agronomic practices, and cultivation of smallholdings.
Read more: Programmes for the Promotion of Perennial Crops in Ghana
Within the developing agenda of Ghana, agriculture is identified as one of the economic pillars. The nexus/connection between agriculture development and Ghana’s ability to achieve its food and nutrition security goals are inextricably linked.
Agriculture is important to the development of any nation, Ghana being no exception. Development must include the youth and therefore the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) seeks to encourage their participation in the agricultural sector. This effort seeks to change the negative perception the youth have of participation in agriculture, (farmers) as uneducated, unskilled, physical labourers with extremely low economic return. Modern agriculture is more than tilling the soil and animals. The sector today offers career opportunities in research, environment, financial management, engineering and other technical areas for the youth to explore.
WAAPP is a two-phase, 10 year Adoptable Program, each of 5 year duration. The first of WAAPP involves three countries – Ghana, Mali and Senegal. The priority commodities for the WAAP which have International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and West and Central Africa Council for Agricultural Research and Development (WECARD/ CORAF) in 2006, identified roots and tubers, livestock, rice, cereals among others as the commodities that make the greatest contribution to the region’s agricultural growth and productions’ benefit, from research and development. The specific country commodities are as follows: root and tubers for Ghana; rice for Mali and drought – tolerant cereals for Senegal.
Read more: West African Agricultural Productivity Programme (WAAPP)