Crops Subsector (UW)



The major crops cultivated in the region are maize, rice, sorghum, millet, yam, cowpea, groundnut and soya bean. Minor crops include sweet potato, bambara beans, and cassava. Vegetables (okra, pepper, tomatoes, leafy vegetables) are also an important set of crops cultivated in the region, especially in the dry season.

Industrial/cash crops cultivated are cashew, mango and cotton, with shea picked in the wild


a. Cropped area of major crops (2010)

Crop Area (Ha)
Maize 56,370
Rice 4,570
Millet 65,590
Sorghum 117,280
Yam 25,690
Groundnut 127,490
Cowpea 64,720
Soya bean 14,970

Source: SRID, MOFA: January, 2011

b. Crop production performance

i. Crop production (2010)

Crop Production (Mt)
Maize 96,018
Rice 7,291
Millet 64,247
Sorghum 124,041
Yam 521,443
Groundnut 196,676
Cowpea 75,969
Soya bean 21,219

Source: SRID, MOFA: January, 2011

ii. Crop productivity (2010)

Crop Productivity (Mt/Ha)
Maize 1.70
Rice 1.60
Millet 0.98
Sorghum 1.06
Yam 20.30
Groundnut 1.54
Cowpea 1.17
Soya bean 1.42

Source: SRID, MOFA: January, 2011

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