Obuasi Municipal



Introduction- demorgraphic,weather,land use,investment,etc

Mandate of the Obuasi Municipal Assembly

  • Obuasi Municipal Assembly was formed under Executive Instrument No. (E.I.15) of 15th December 2003 and Legislative Instrument (L.I. 1795) of 17th March 2004.

Location and Size

  • Latitude                          –           5035N and 50 65N
  • Longitude                       –           60 35W and 6 0 90W
    • Total Land Area           –           162.4sq km
    • No. of Communities    –           55
    • Electoral Areas            –                        38
    • Urban Council             –           1
    • Unit Committees          –           38
    • Location in Ashanti     –           Southern Part – 64km from Kumasi
    • Boundaries                  –           South   –           Adansi South

East     –           Adansi South
West   –           Amansie Central
North             –           Adansi North


  • Climatic Condition       –           Semi Equatorial
  • Mean Annual Rainfall             –           125cm – 175cm
  • Mean Temperature       –           25.5oC
  • Relative Humidity        –           (75%-80%)


  • Vegetation Type          –           Degraded Semi-Deciduous
  • Green Belt Coverage    –           12.10km2 (Under AGA Concession)
  • Type of Trees              –           Teak, Mahogany

Relief and Drainage

  • Topography                 –           Undulating Terrain of hills rising                                                                        above 500 meters above sea level
  • Rivers                             –        Pompo, Nyame, Akapori,                                                                                     Hweaseammo and Kunka

Soil and Agricultural Land Use

  • Soil type                    –           Forest Ochrosols
  • Soil Condition                 –     Rich in Humus
  • Crops Grown             –             Citrus, Palm Oil, Cocoa,                                                         .                                                    Plantain, Maize, Cassava, Vegetables, etc

Citrus, oil palm, cocoa, cocoyam, taro

Cassava, plantain, vegetables

  • Major Livestock            –            Cattle,sheep,goat,pig,poultry
  • Size of Farm Holdings            –              Less than 2 hectors
  • Major Land Uses        –              Agro Forestry, Crop production, Livestock and

Poultry and Non-traditional farm

  • Total Agricultural Land Area     92.5km2
  • Land under cultivation                   55.6km2
  • Land under forest      4.1km2


Aesthetic Features and Land Management

  • Land Ownership       –  Most Lands are owned by AGA and Traditional Chiefs


Geology and Minerals

  • Rock Type     –    Tarkwain (Pre-Cambian and Birimain)
  • Minerals         –    Obuasi has since 1898 produced  over 600 tons (18million ounces) of Gold


Demographic Characteristics

Population Size and Growth Rate

  • Total Population (2000)                 195,000
  • Annual Growth Rate                      4.0%

Population Density 1,201 persons per square km

Household Size and Characteristics

  • No. of Households                    –           24,729
  • Housing Occupancy                   –           11.8 persons/house
  • Family System                               –            Predominantly extended family
  • Average Household size             –           5

(Source:  2000 Population and Housing Census)


A number of roads traverse the municipality, linking up the core all parts of the municipality and other areas of the country, these include 72.1km of feeder roads and 79km paved roads ,179km unpaved urban roads.



With the Municipal agricultural profile in place, Programmes and projects for which the municipality has the competitive edge identified, there is the urgent need to search for sustainable credit lines without which may elaborate programmes drawn for the municipal shall for ever remain on the drawing board. Given the numerous lending terms that need to be set for agric credits can be sourced from commercial banks (ADB, GCB, NIB, Odotobri Rural Bank, Adansi Rural Bank, First Allied Bank, First National Bank). One most obvious and convenient alternative should be the Poverty Alleviation fund


The municipality has a total of thirteen (13) daily markets which include eight (8) satellite markets. These markets are highly accessible to all communities except a few that have problems with transportation due to poor roads.

Detailed information on major crops produced

  • Major crops produced are:

Citrus, Palm Oil, Cocoa, Plantain, Maize, Cassava, Vegetables, Cassava, plantain, vegetables cocoyam, taro etc


Cropped area of major crops

Cropped area for major crops in Obuasi Municipal

(Figures in hectares)

2008 945 76 305 405 658 1,050
2009 1,299 78 3,114 461 710 1,153
2010 3,024 75 3,312 480 768 1,968


Information on performance

  • Extension Services Activities in the Municipality

Technological transfers were mainly done through home/farm visits, contact farmers, groups, demonstrations, field days and Farmers Fora. Prominent among innovations transferred to farmers were weed control- using weedicide, control of black sikatoga on plantain using cultural practices, row planting, use of improved varieties i.e. Obatanpa maize, rapid yam and plantain/cassava multiplication ,fertilizer application , pest/ diseases control, animal nutrition/health and fish pond management

  • Food Situation

Through the effort of MOFA and other stakeholders over the period, Obuasi can boast of sufficiency in food supply especially cassava, plantain, cocoyam, maize and vegetables.  However a few food stuff such as rice, maize, tomatoes, cowpea, yams are imported to supplement local sources due to their high demand.

  • Veterinary Clinic

Veterinary clinic at Obuasi operates daily from Monday to Friday to offer services to small ruminants farmers throughout the year.

This unit also sees to the daily inspection of animals for slaughter at the Obuasi Abattoir.  This is to ensure healthy meat at the markets all the time.

  • Anti-Rabies campaign

MOFA, Municipal Assembly and Veterinary Services organized Anti rabies campaign in all the 30 Electoral Areas of the Municipality.

The overall patronage was very encouraging with one thousand four Hundred and twenty-two (1,422) pets (Dog, cats and monkeys) were immunized against rabies.

  • Data Collection

Every year data is collected from farmers in the form of listing of farm holdings, farm

Measurements and yield estimation.  The data is analyzed to determine the yields of

Crops such as cassava, maize, cocoa, citrus, oil palm and plantain.

Livestock census is conducted annually to determine the no. of livestock available.

Weekly prices of farm produce are also monitored at the Obuasi market to enable farmers make informed decisions of farm produce.

  • Cocoa Diseases and Pest Control (CODAPEC )

This project began in the 2001 after the Government initiated the mass spraying of cocoa.  It has since been implemented to date. MOFA was the implementing agent before handing it over to CCSVD in 2005. Hectares sprayed increased from 19,428.57 to over 25,000 in 2010.

CODAPEC has reduced the incidence of capsid attack on cocoa by 60% and this coupled with other factors leading to 20% increase in cocoa yields.

  • MOFA in partnership with Shaft FM Radio instituted Akuafo Mmo programme from 1998 to 2008 to educate farmers on general agriculture using the radio.  The programme has won an award at the District level and 2 awards at the National level of National Farmers’ Day Celebrations. The Programme was reconstituted in 2009 with a new name Akuafo Nfa Adwen
  • The Minister of Food and Agriculture instituted this Programme to boost maize production in the municipality in 2007
  • MOFA has supplied inputs in the form of loans to farmers to cultivate maize during the minor /major season (2007/2008).  In all 100 acre of land was cultivated by 45 farmers costing GH¢6,000.00) with 62 metric tons of maize gained from these fields.  All the fields did well except a few that was affected by drought.
  • The Municipal Directorate of MOFA, Obuasi in collaboration with Hon. Edward Ennin, MP for Obuasi submitted proposal to request financial assistance from Export Development and Investment Fund (EDIF).In 2008 EDIF supported Obuasi Citrus Growers and Marketing Society with a grant of GH¢79,192 while Adansiman Co-operative Chili Pepper Growers Union also got a grant of GH¢77,800 to boost the production of chili industry in the municipality
  • Citrus Mapping

MOFA in collaboration with Agricultural Development and Value Chain Enhancement (ADAVANCE) -ACDI-VOCA (NGO), NBSSI, and Obuasi Citrus Growers & Markerting Association about 63.75% of citrus farms in the Municipality have been measured and mapped. This data is available to all stakeholders.

Meanwhile efforts are far advance for Fruitland GH Ltd, a processing company at Assin North to purchase citrus fruits from Obuasi for processing

Fruitland GH Ltd has a total capacity of processing 130,000 metric tons of citrus fruits

  • Production of major crops in Obuasi Municipal

(Figures in Metric Tons)

2008 1,606.5 182.4 4,209.0 6,196.5 4,408.6 11,550
2009 2,208.3 187.2 42,973.2 7,053.3 4,757.0 12,683
2010 5,140.8 180.0 45,705.6 3,216.0 5,145.6 21,648


The goal of the Livestock policy is to increase the supply of meat animal, poultry, poultry products and dairy products from current production level of 30% to 50% by 2015

The development of the livestock sector will be based on:

  • Focus on improving animal health
  • Improve access to quality feed and water
  • Introduction of improved breeds
  • Group formation  of livestock farmers to access financial support
  • Focus on improving the processing and marketing of livestock
  • Awareness campaign on food safety and public health
  • Transform small scale production into profitable enterprise


1. AGA Farms Adaase 400 Anglo Gold Ashanti- 03225-40494 ext.1164
2. Atifas Farms Apitikooko 120 Atifa
3. Boafowaa Farms Asonkore 30 Mr. Carr- 0244322033
5. Cerrona Farms Kwabenakwa 140 John Rockso
6. Cottage Farms Kwabenakwa 130 Kwadwo Binpong
7. Casty Farms Kwabenakwa 260 John Inprim
8. Dorgbadzi Farms Asonkore 65 Kudzo Dorgbadzi
9. Amoah Farms Akaporiso 20 John Amoah.
10 Badu Antwi Asonkore 150 Badu Antwi 0242701405
11 John Akyerem Nyamesomyede 65 John Akyerem


1. GOAT 4,000
2. SHEEP 3,500
3. CATTLE 600


1. AGA Farms Kwameduakrom 23,300 3 3 Anglo Gold Ashanti- 0582-40494 ext.1164
2. Nyame Na ye Kwabenakwa 15,000 2 2 John Boadi-0244102000
3. Justice Farm Domeabra 5000 2 2 Francis Opoku-0244050567
4. Mark Vet Farms Aboagyekrom 3000 2 2 Malik Suleman- 0244653508
5. Boafowaa Farms Asonkore 1800 2 2 Mr. Carr- 0244322033
6. Bonus Farms Aboagyekrom 1400 2 2 Osei Bonsu
7. Yawk Farms Nyamesumyede 2000 2 2 Michall Yawk-0244955008
9. Kyekyeku Farms Aboagyekrom 1000 1 1 Isaac Oppong-0243720099.
11. Razak Nyamesomyede 3000 2 2 Razak
12 Samuel Dwamena Apitikooko 3500 2 2 Samuel Dwamena


Anglo Gold Ashanti Kwameduakrom 5 tons 5 tons 0582-40494 Ext: 1164 (Farm Manager) Not operational




fish pond  production

  • The inland fisheries policy targets inland water bodies with strategies to increase fish production, increase income, employment and environment. These include :
  • Improve construction and management of fish ponds
  • Improve utilization and marketing
  • Promote inter- sectoral cooperation
  • Institutional strategies cover the engagement of the private sector, training, extension and formalization of links among public sector institutions for aquaculture development
  • Aquaculture continues to gain the interest of most farmers.  The industry has increased from 15 in 2008 to 62 fish ponds being mined by 33 fish pond farmers currently.




Fertilizer Subsidy

The government is subsidizing 100,000 metric tons of fertilizer at an estimated cost of GH¢ 32million this year. Last year the government subsidized a total of 72,795 metric tons of fertilizer at an estimated cost of GH¢ 34.4million using the coupons system. However in view of the high administrative cost of printing the coupons and time spent by staff signing all the numerous coupons, as well as the associated abuse, the coupon system has been discontinued

A waybill receipt system is being employed for administering the fertilizer subsidy programme for 2010.under the new system the fertilizer companies are to deliver fertilizers to all districts for sale to farmers at recommended prices as follows: NPK=GH¢27.00,Sulphate of Ammonia =GH¢18.00 and Urea+GH¢25.00

Farmers can walk to any Agro-chemical shop in the Municipality and procure subsidized fertilizer

All Agro-chemical dealers in the Municipality have been registered and are being monitored closely on fertilizer sales.


Summary of Fertilizer sales (2010)




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820 425 360 0 2,505
AUGUST 20 8 85 200 10 323
SEPTEMBER 122 12 115 305 5 559
OCTOBER 600 55 521 0 5 1,181
NOVEMBER 48 15 179 0 5 247
DECEMBER 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1,690 910 1,325 865 25 4,815




  • RTIMP (Root Tuber Improvement and Marketing Programme)

RTIMP is an eight year IFAD/GOG sponsored programme which is a follow up to the Root and Tuber Improvement Programme (RTIP) implemented from 1999 – 2005.

The goal of the programme is to enhance the food security and income of poor rural household in Ghana with special emphasis on women and other venerable groups.  The specific objective is to build competitive, market based inclusive commodity chain for root and tuber supported by relevant effective and sustainable services that are accessible to the rural poor.  In effect market accessibility and add value, particularly agro-processing will drive the entire programme.

Obuasi municipality was among the first 14 districts Root and Tuber Improvement and Marketing Programme (RTIMP) started with in 2007.


Secondary multiplication sites

A total of 6.88 ha (17.2ac) of secondary multiplication plots have been established in the municipality.

Way forward and suggestion for improvement

  • Provide leaflets,posters,booklets,etc, to make learning very simple
  • Provision of teaching aids
  • More facilitators should be trained
  • All players must work as a team for effective coordination
  • Farmers must be motivated in the form of giving them souvenirs

Logistics, Funds and disbursements

  • Adequate funds and logistics should be provided for an effective and efficient AESA, session reporting.



Unleashing the Power of Cassava in Africa (UPoCA)

The concept note on “Unleashing the Power of Cassava in Africa in Response to the Food Price Crisis” has been selected by USAID for consideration of the FY08 Famine Funds.

  • The Famine Prevention Fund is a U.S. Government facility set up to encourage innovative, focused, short-term programs that can reduce food insecurity and build effective linkages between emergency relief and development assistance.
  • USAID is considering an amount of $5.3 million over a period of 2 years.
  • The project should not duplicate other funding but should be complimentary: USAID wants to see what activities are being done with other funding and how they complement and divide responsibility with this activity; a complete accounting and description of how the various elements fit together is necessary to reach a comfort level.

Project Main Objective

To enhance the availability and affordability of cassava products through increased low-cost farm gate processing and farmers’ access to productivity enhancing improved cassava varieties.

Project Specific Objectives

  • Enhance access of rural farm households to processing equipment in order to convert harvested fresh cassava roots to products with longer shelf life (primarily chips and flour and gari).
  • increase productivity of cassava farmers and processors by providing them with planting material of improved high yielding  cassava varieties and training on best practices in cassava production
  • Improve on the services provided by the local extension agents to farmers through training in best practices in within the cassava commodity chain.

Main Activities

    1. Train farmers, Agricultural Extension Agents (AEAs) and staff of NGOs to enhance their skills and knowledge in cassava production, processing and marketing
    2. Provide poor farmers, women and other vulnerable groups with easy access to low-cost cassava processing and storage technologies to enhance food availability in rural households
    3. Mass produce and disseminate improved high yielding cassava varieties to farmers in vulnerable communities in Ghana



  • Establishment of 10ha (25acres) Seed farm
  • Farmer Field establishment:

Supply 4 bundles of planting materials (cassava) to each of 1500 farmers in the Municipality.

  • Community awareness campaign/field days on cassava enterprise


  • Plant protection

The goal of the national plant protection strategy is to achieve an efficient system that ensure that crop losses caused by biological,enviromental and ecological factors are contained in a sustainable and economical manner. The Municipal Directorate of MoFA aims to reduce crop losses causes by pest from 30-50% to 15%

Strategies to be adopted are:

  • Promoting integrated crop pest management
  • Strengthening  plant pests and disease surveillance
  • Strengthening  the regulatory and protection services and field surveillance of pesticides sales
  • Promotion of certified planting material and pesticides
  • Promotion of good agricultural practices


  • Youth in Agriculture

The human resource in the agricultural production and post production activities can be upgraded through the attraction of the youth who receive training in agriculture. Such youth interested in gaining employment in the agricultural sector will be linked to access financial support, mechanized services, technology and land.

MOFA, National Youth Employment Programme (NYEP) and Dept of Cooperatives have formed 3 youth groups to go into Block farms this major season

  • Food security

Food security is defined by MoFA as good quality nutritious food hygienically packaged and attractively presented, available in sufficient quantities all year round and located at appropriate places at affordable prices.

  • Strategies for the attainment of food security and emergency preparedness are:
  1. Introduce high yielding and short duration crop varieties (Obatanpa/Mamaba- Maize varieties,bankye Essam/Bankye Hemma -cassava varieties,Asotem Cowpea )
  2. Target the vulnerable in agriculture with special programmes that will enhance their diversitification opprtunities,reduce risk and enhance their access to productive resources
  3. Develop effective post harvest management  especially storage facilities at farm gate and communities levels
  4. Develop appropriate irrigation schemes for different categories of farmers to ensure production throughout the year


  1. Existing perennial streams could be dammed for irrigation programmes
  2. Bi-modal rainfall pattern allows for two cropping seasons in a  year
  3. High population reflect the high demand for agric produce
  4. Relatively good roads network enhances transportation and make farm gates accessible
  5. Suitable soils for the cultivation of various crops and support animal rearing
  6. Presence of developmental organizations (co-operative societies)with agricultural interest
  7. Presence of  15 Technical staff and 12 supporting staff of MOFA to offer Extension delivery

Agricultural Potential of the Municipality

Topography-wise the Municipality can be demarcated into 3 agro-ecological zones for each of which specific agric-programmes could be prescribed.


The Hills/ranges that stretch across the North-East and the South of the Municipality.

These are erosion prone terrains could be protected with economic woodlots and put under apiculture (Bee-Keeping).

Two ventures which wouldn’t require frequent visits to the steep slope.


The well drained upper slopes/peaks of the widely undulating terrain.

These are most suitable for the cultivation of economic tree crops namely cocoa, coffee, oil palm, citrus as well as staple foods such as plantain, banana, cassava, yams, vegetables, pineapple, cocoyam, maize, seed production, crop trials, etc.


Flood-prone valley bottom interacting with the undulating terrain of zone two.

These would be moist appropriate for the cultivation of rice, taro, sugar cane, development of agriculture (fish ponds) farming.

Potentials for livestock poultry and non-traditional industry

Given the relatively high per capita income of the Obuasi populace and the Municipality is proximity to commercial towns of Kumasi, Dunkwa on- Offin,Assin  Fosu, Cape Coast, vast markets for meat and poultry products pertain within the municipality and its immediate environs that needs to be exploited at all cost.

Any massive investments in the two industries within the municipality would no doubt be a step in the right direction.



Problem in the poultry

The industry is faced with the scarcity of maize during the lean months (February – July).  A possible solution could be the stocking of maize during the peak season in silos, which are available at the AngloGold Ashanti farms

Grasscutter Rearing

With the abundance of grasses in vast open spaces by road sides, besides several water bodies in the municipality Grasscutter rearing should be one non-traditional agricultural enterprise that could be accorded the highest priority in the municipal agric development programme.

Snail Rearing

The Municipal is on record as having about the highest rainfall regimes in the entire Ashanti region.  This provided, an almost all the year humidity level congenial for snail rearing.  Various leafy vegetables – kontomire, cassava pawpaw leaves, pawpaw fruits ‘alaifu’ and many staples foods are suitable for snail feeding to support intensive snail programmes.

MoFA trains farmers in gari production at Akrofoum Good Practice Centre

MoFA trains farmers in gari production at Akrofoum Good Practice Centre

IFAD and RTIMP team interacts with farmers, processors and traders in Gari production at Akrofoum Good Practice Centre

Obuasi Municipal Chief Executive Hon. John Alexander Ackon and entourage inspects farm produce at the 26th Municipal Farmers Day held at Binsere

Obuasi Municipal Chief Executive Hon. John Alexander Ackon, Hon. Edward Ennin -MP Obuasi and entourage inspect farm produce and Awards at the 26th Municipal Farmers Day at Binsere

Hon. Edward Ennin -MP Obuasi presents the 3rd prize award of Double Door refrigerator to Mr.  Samuel Kweku Annin at the 26th Municipal Farmers Day held at Binsere

Obuasi Municipal Chief Executive Hon. John Alexander Ackon presents the 1st prize award of  a Corn Mill and accessories to Mr.  Joseph Appah as the Municipal Best Farmer at the 26th Municipal Farmers Day held at Binsere

A group picture of Municipal Award Winners at the 26th Municipal Farmers Day held at Binsere

Anthony Agbovi (AEA) trains farmers in row planting at Nyamesomyede

Isaac Tetteh (farmer) irrigating okro farm at Domeabra

MoFA Trains AEAs on lining and pegging of citrus in a maize farm at Mampamhwe

Lawrence Kofi Dartey (MDO) monitors the activities of AEA in the Akaporiso Operational Area

A group picture of Municipal Director of Agric (Kwadwo Boamah Djan) and farmers at Nyamesomyede

MOFA staff interacts with John Boadi (Municipal Best farmer -2009) at Kwabenakwa

Lawrence Kofi Dartey (Municipal Extension Officer) trains   Agricultural Extension Agents (AEAs) on Cabbage Production at Ayease

Patrick Seth Obeng (MISO) trains Agricultural Extension Agents (AEAs) on safe use of agro chemicals at Ayease

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