District Greater Accra
Location and Land Area:
The Ga South Municipal Assembly (GSMA) was in late 2007 one of the four (4) newly created districts in the Greater Accra Region. It lies within latitude 5o 48 North 5o 29 North and Latitude 0o8’ West and 0o30’ West
The total land area of the Municipality is estimated at 517.2 sq km with about 362 communities.

Ga South Municipal Assembly.
Population size:
According to the extract from the 2000 National Population and Housing Census, the population of the Ga South Municipal Assembly is estimated at 210,727, with inter-censual growth rate of 3.4%. The projected population for the year 2009 is 284,712, which may be 316,091 by 2012.
It is estimated that 7000of the total population of the Municipality are farmers according to Ga south Municipal Agricultural 2010 statistics. The total number of farm household is 5239 and an average of 6 people live in a household. Using the 2000 population census, the female population as at the year 2000 is 50.1% of the total population whiles males make up the other 49.9%.
The Ga South Municipality shares boundaries with Awutu Efutu, West Akim, AMA, and Ga West. The Vegetation in the municipality is the Forest, Guinea Savannah and the Coastal savannah.
Rainfall pattern is bi-modal. The first season begins in May and ends in mid-July while the second season begins in mid-August and ends in October. The average annual rainfall is between790mm on the coast to about 1270mm. Rainfall is usually characterized thick cloudy conditions and high intensive storms.This situation always causes flooding of the valley bottoms. The coastal wet lands also get flooded as a result of the occasional opening of the Weija dam when it is full. This affects crop production.
The annual average temperature ranges between 25.1ºC in August and 28.4ºC in February and March are the hottest months. It has a relative humidity of about 75%. Average duration figures are about 94% and 69% at 6:00 and 15:00 respectively.
Soil Type:
Soils found in the area are observed to be sandy and clay loams. Alluvia soils are found at the valley bottoms and the estuary.
Crop Production: Stable: (Cassava, Maize, Cowpea, Groundnut, Yam, plantain and sweet potato)
Fruit Crop: (Pineapple Watermelon Oil –Palm, Mango, Pawpaw ,Citrus and cashew), Vegetable: Local (Chilies, Okra, Garden egg) and Asian (Cabbage, Marrow, Tinda, Ravaya),
Livestock and Poultry Production: (Livestock : Small ruminants, Pigs, Cattle and Micro Livestock (Grass cutter & Rabbit) and (Poultry: Local Fowls, Exotic Fowls, Guinea Fowl, and Turkey) and .
Fish production in the marine is mainly artisanal while fresh water fishing in the River Densu and the Ponpon water shed as well as Aquaculture exist with about 20 farmers with fish ponds. Fishes caught are mainly: Anchovy, tilapia, herrings.
Other forms are milk production and beekeeping.
Other stakeholders are also processing and marketing fresh and dry fruits for local and international markets in the municipality.
Farming areas in the municipality
The Municipal has been divided in to four (4) agricultural zones: Kofi Kwei, Omankope, Ashifla and Weija.
Each zone has eight (8) operational areas. Kofi Kwei Zone: (Prampram, Akweiman Kofi Kwei, Twerebo, Nusobri, Tenbibian, Atwakan and Obom), Omankope Zone: (Danchira, Balagonno, Ashalaja, Adeambra, Amanfrom, Congo, Fante Mayera and Domeabra), Ashifla Zone: (Konkon, Agbazo, Kwaku Pamfo, Hobor, JeiKrodua, Honnisee and Bebianiha) WeijaZone ( Langma, Weija, Bortianor, Pentecost University, Ablekuma, Race Course Kokrobite and Gbawe).
Estimated number of agricultural entrepreneurs/ zone
Sub-sector | Zone 1 (Kofikwei) | Zone 2 (Omankope) | Zone 3 (Ashifla) | Zone 4 (Weija) | Total |
Livestock | 18 | 26 | 50 | 20 | 114 |
Crops | 200 | 150 | 250 | 125 | 725 |
Agro-processing | 53 | 28 | 150 | 43 | 274 |
Total | 271 | 204 | 450 | 188 | 1113 |
The Municipal has both large scale and medium scale farmers who have established themselves in various enterprises such as pineapple production, livestock and poultry production and processing. Example of such farms are Golden Exotic, BOAMAT and Gold Coast fruits. Others for processing are EBENAT and WADE.
Estimated agricultural labour force /zone
Sub-sector | Zone 1 (Kofikwei) | Zone 2 (Omankope) | Zone 3 (Ashifla) | Zone 4 (Weija) | Total |
Livestock | 311 | 320 | 517 | 416 | 1664 |
Crops | 700 | 600 | 1000 | 500 | 2800 |
Agro-processing | 203 | 128 | 300 | 620 | 1251 |
Total | 1214 | 1048 | 1817 | 1536 | 5715 |
Farm labour utilized in the municipality is mostly own labour and use their households. However, migrant farmers move down during the dry season to farm along the valley bottoms; such labour is utilized during this period to cultivate vegetables but the cost of such labour is expensive. Most producer exporters who have taken over large tracts of arable lands from the small scale farmers have employed them to work permanently for them on their farms. Tractor services are low and expensive. Only farmers with one acre and above utilize such services and it is unavailable when they most need it.
Land tenure system
The land is mostly owned by families who have the sole responsibility to lease or sell out right. Therefore settlers who leased such lands over period of time and could not purchase them lose them to the commercial farmers who purchase large tracts for pineapple production. As a result there are a lot of land disputes and chieftaincy issues ongoing in the municipality. The average land size per farmer is between 0.1 – 1 to hectare. The municipal assembly plans to rezone and also purchase about 100acres to sustain agriculture sin the Municipality.
Pest and Disease Control
The most important pest and diseases that attack crops are mealy bugs, white fly and anthracnose. These pest and diseases attack crops like pawpaw, pineapple, mango and cassava. In 2009, the prevalent rate of the mealy bug attack was so high that it destroyed about 90% of pawpaw plantations. Vegetables like pepper also suffered virus attacks as a result of the high incidence of the white fly which serve as a vector that transmit the on the pepper. Several trainings have since been conducted to prevent the disease incidence from reaching economic threshold. Some biological control measures have been taken by the Plant Protection and Regulatory Services Unit of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture.
Livestock disease like PPR, CBPP, and Rabies vaccinations are conducted yearly prevent an outbreak of the disease. Staff, school children and farmers have also been trained carry out biosecurity measure. The veterinary staff also carries out regular disease surveillance to prevent the spread and control of the disease.
Storage and Marketing of Produce
Cassava is processed into dough and gari while maize dried stored in a room or barn. Oil palm fruits are pressed and additional value added to make dzomi. Horney is harvested processed and bottled. Fruits and nuts are also processed into dry snacks. All these products sold either at the farm gate, in the four markets in the municipality or for export.
The proposed 48 hectares small-scale irrigation project for small scale farmers in and around Ashifla zone by the Municipal Assembly is yet to materialize. However, the Assembly has demolished all structures erected on the Government 252 hectare irrigable land at Tuba to pave way for the continuation of the project. With the pump and land ready, all is now set for the revamping of project soon.
Cropped areas of major crops
Crop | Acreage
Under Cultivation (ha) |
No. of Farmers | Actual yield
(ton/ha) |
Achievable Yield (tons/ha) |
1.Mango | 1000 | |||
2. Pineapple | 3250 | |||
3.Pawpaw | 100 | |||
4. Citrus | 2000 | |||
5.Egg Plant
6.Cassava |
500 | |||
7.Chilies | 3800 | |||
8.Maize | 1000 | 385 | ||
9. Tomatoes | 750 | 156 | ||
10. Okro | 106 | 140 | ||
11.Asian Vegetables | 370 | 140 | ||
12.Ground nut | 150 | 70 | ||
13Cahsew | 200 | 117 | ||
14.Yam | 200 | 45 | ||
15.Garden Eggs | 10 | 15 | ||
16.Plantain | 25 |
The municipality has high acreages of land under cultivation but the productivity is low. Most small scale farmers have low yields from their farms because of underutilization of inputs as result high cost of inputs like fertilizer chemicals and tractor services. Though there is subsidy on fertilizer, it is not timely since farmers in the south plant earlier than the time of price of fertilizer is released.
Livestock production
It is believed that Ga South Municipality is one of the livestock belts in southern Ghana. Though this perception is waning, farmers still keep substantial animals for cash supplement their family income and also for protein. Each household have between one to five small ruminants and about ten to twenty local fowl. There is also movement of alien herdsmen during the dry season graze their cattle around Weija. There is some ample land for grazing but has not been sown. Though there is serious urbanization ongoing, most peri urban areas rear some livestock in their backyard hence all hope is not lost for livestock production.
Livestock Statistics
Livestock/Poultry | Animal / Bird No. | No. of farmers /
Associations |
1.Cattle | 6100 | 30 |
2. Sheep | 4200 | 1600 |
3. Goat | 5800 | 1200 |
4. Poultry
Exotic Local |
7000 |
21 |
Alternative Livelihood | 54 | |
Bee Keeping | 108 hives | 54 |
Grass cutter | 1200 | 5 |
Rabitory | 2300 | |
Piggery | 354 | 17 |
Fish Production
The Municipality has a vast coastline that makes it possible for migrants to land and sell fish. Different kinds of are landed here. Some of them include……An annual average catch 260 metric tones is obtained. However, this phenomenon is dwindling as a result of light fishing. Also incase of a glut, there are no cooling facilities to prolong its shelf life. This makes it difficult for fishers and fish processors to pay for credit obtained purchase inputs like fishing boasts and canoes, fishing gears, outboard motors and premix fuel. Though fishing is not allowed in Densu River, some fresh water is ongoing around Tomafa and the Ponpon water shed. Mostly Tilapia is caught from this source of fishing. There is also a high potential aquaculture where Tilapia is cultured in ponds. However, fish harvested from the ponds no longer generate income as a result of the influx cage culture. Currently about 20 fresh fish and Marine Processors as well as fishermen (600) exist in the Municipality.
Technologies demonstrated to beneficiaries
Year | Males | Females | Total | % Female |
2008 | 820 | 302 | 1122 | 26.9% |
2009 | 3122 | 1122 | 4244 | 26.4% |
2010 | 1081 | 649 | 1730 | 37.5% |
To increase food security and growth in income, farmers trained in various innovations. However, the number of people reached and the percentage female kept on fluctuating relatively as a result of large geographical area with low staff, untimely release of resources and immobility.
These special projects are to help farmers and the youth in our communities increase food security and income. These projects are Cockerel project, fertilizer subsidy and block farming. The tables below show the details of the projects.
Cockerel Projects
Cockerel project
Operational Area | QTY received | QTY remaining | Mortality | Beneficiaries | remark |
Obom | 80 | 40 | 50% | 12 | Average bird per person is 9.
Most birds were caught by wild animals and birds during free range feeding |
Hobor | 60 | 24 | 60% | 4 | |
Domebra | 60 | 15 | 75% | 8 | |
Balagono | 60 | 18 | 70% | 7 | |
weija | 40 | 32 | 20% | 2 | |
Total | 300 | 129 | 57% | 33 |
Fertilizer Subsidy Programme
– P.O. BOX 1901, TEMA
Tel: +233-22- 211010 /+233-244- 523961
- PARS ENTERPRISE – OBOM Tel: 0544 187633
- CAROLE ENTERPRISE – WEIJA Tel: 0264 337348 /0541 047778
- SAMUEL NII LARYEA – MADU Tel: 0244 4876755
Block Farming Programme
Summary of activities on Block Farming onion production
No | Farm Location | No. of group Members | Acreage | Date of Seed Supply | Date of Nursing Seed | Remark |
1 | Kyekyewere | 4 | 1 | 17/05/10 | 8/07/10 | |
2 | Honi Akyem | 6 | 1 | 17/05/10 | 1/07/10 | |
3 | Oclokope | 15 | 2 | 17/05/10 | 24/06/10
1/07/10 |
4 | Weija A
Weija B |
8 |
1 |
17/05/10 | 1/07/10
1/07/10 |
5 | Konkon
Awudziman Boom |
4 5 |
1 1 |
17/05/10 | 24/05/10
5/06/10 31/05/10 |
Nursery infected with fungus. |
6 | Balagonno
Dekyira |
10 |
3 |
17/05/10 | 15/07/10
15/07/10 |
7 | Domeabra Togakope
Old Domeabra |
4 |
1 |
17/05/10 | 15//07/10
15/07/10 |
8 | Kwao Ayi
Odumplala Kofi Kwei |
12 2 |
4 1 |
17/05/10 | 28/05/10
28/05/10 1/07/10 |
Total | 113 | 25 |
Export Market and Quality Awareness Project (EMQAP) activities
Planned activities | Performance | Budget performance | Remarks | ||
Target | Achievement | Planned GH¢ | Actual GH¢ | ||
Staff training | 2 | 1 | 430.00 | 385.00 | 35 staff and national service personnel trained and onion production. |
Farmer training | 4 | 6 | 1250.00 | 710.50 | A total of 355 farmers were trained in onion production, IPM, safe and Effective use of Agro chemicals , Nursery practice and record keeping |
Group formation and strengthening | 0 | 15 | – | – | 15 new groups were formed |
Establishment of vegetable demonstration plots | 2 | 2 | 502 | 300 | 2 demonstration plots on onions and tomatoes were established |
Monitoring and supervision | 3 | 6 | 450.00 | 440.00 | AEAs and DDOs went to the field to supervise field activities |
Education of farmers on HIV and Malaria | 20 | 11 | – | – | 387 farmers were educated on cross cutting issues of HIV and Malaria. |
No. | Project Description | Contractor | Project Cost (Gh) | Date Of Award | Existing Projects As At December 2008 | Projects Awarded 2009 – 2011 | % Completed | General Remarks | ||
On-Going | Completed | On-Going | Completed | |||||||
1. | Export Marketing and Quality Awareness Project | Ministry of Food & Agric | –
17,604 2800 1000 |
2009 2010 2011 |
On-going | |||||
2. | Cashew Development Project | Ministry of Food & Agric | 2006 | completed | 100% | Information on funding can be obtained from Ga West |
It was implemented in 2006 to help train small scale farmers engaged in the production of horticulture crops like pineapples and vegetables to produce quality produce for export. This was as a result of the fall in the market price of pineapple exported in 2006 because of consumer preference and presences of chemical residues on the crop. So far …… farmers have been trained under the project .Good agriculture practices demonstrations and HIV/AIDs and malaria control.
It was implemented in 2004 to help farmers in the municipality have a long term crop to lean on. A total of GH¢120,000.00 was given to farmers in the form of inputs to plant intercrops in the cashew plantations. However, this did not happen most farmers receive the inputs and some cash and used the money for other source income generating activity which failed them. This made it difficult for them to payback.
*Vast fertile land
*Water bodies available
*Vast coast land
*Micro scale production
*Export industries
*Well developed irrigable area (252) as well as small dams and dag outs
*Four markets
*Cottage industries processing nuts, fruits and cassava with some level of value addition
*Wide road network
Which makes proximity of farming communities to the ports and harbors easy?
The mission of MADU–LEKMA is to promote sustainable agriculture and thriving agribusiness through research and technology development, effective extension and other support services to farmers, fishers, processors and traders for improved livelihood in the Municipality.
The unit with its current strength of 9 AEAs and 6 MAOs under the Municipal Director continued to extend improved agricultural technologies on crops, livestock, fishing and agro-processing to farmers/fisher folks and agro-processors in the Municipality.
Veterinary officers in the Municipality ensure good animal health through awareness creation and vaccination campaigns on diseases such as Rabies, PPR, Newcastle and many more.
The Management Information System Officer in collaboration with the Municipal Director of Agriculture prepared annual work plans and budget for submission to the Regional Agricultural Development Unit and the Municipal Assembly, LEKMA.
The Municipal Director of Agriculture in collaboration with his staff and with support from the Municipal Assembly organized the annual Farmers Day Celebration to award hardworking farmers in the Municipality.
The unit assisted farmers in the Municipality to benefit from the fertilizer subsidy programme by ensuring that the dealer had regular supply of fertilizer and also directing farmers to the fertilizer depot in the Municipality.
The unit also assisted farmers to benefit from the Cockerel Project by training them on poultry management and distributing 1,040 cockerels to 102 (male: 60 female: 42) farmers. A farmer also received 75 broilers rangers which are growing very well.
Thirty five (35) (male: 27 female:8 ) farmers within the Municipality also benefited from the LDP Credit In-Kind Scheme by receiving 358 sheep under the scheme.
The Management Information System Officer in partnership with the MAOs and AEAs and with supervision by the Municipal Director of Agriculture had submitted reports on all agricultural activities carried out in the Municipality to the Regional Agricultural Development Unit and the Municipal Assembly LEKMA.
The estimated population of the Municipality as at 2008 was 261,571. Approximately 51% of the population is females and 49% males. This gives a sex ration of 1:1.04 males to females. The dominance of females over males is a reflection of the nationwide trend where the estimated ration is 1:1.03. The need to target women in any development programme in the Municipality can therefore not be overemphasized.
The youth under the age 24 years constitute 50.7% of the population. It is also realised that approximately 43% of the population between 16 and 45 years constitute the active labour force.
With an estimated land area of 50 square kilometers and an estimated population of 261,571 in 2008, the general population density is calculated as 5,231 persons per square kilometer.
LEKMA lies in the coastal savanna zone which experiences a double maxima rainy season pattern. The average annual rainfall is about 730mm, which falls primarily during the two rainy seasons. The first begins in May and ends in mid- July while the second season begins in mid- August and ends in October. The predominant wind direction is from the WSW to NNE with speed normally ranging between 8 to 16 km/hr. Annual temperature figures are also relatively stable with very little variation in annual temperature figures. Relative humidity in the area is also generally high varying from 65% in the mid-afternoon to 95% at night.
The total land area of the Municipality is estimated at 50 square kilometers. There are three key vegetation zones in the Municipality which is made up of shrub lands, grassland and coastal lands. The grassland where crop farming is done in the Municipality is serious under threat by estate developers.
http://mofa.gov.gh/site/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/map.jpg 533w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" style="margin: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 18px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 732px; max-width: 100%;">
The nature of Food Crop Production in the municipality is mostly backyard and small scale farming. The average land area per farmer is about 0.5 acre.
Maize, plantain, cassava, pepper, okro, garden eggs and watermelon are mostly the crops cultivated in the municipality.
Farming areas at Teshie are; Teshie Military Camp, bush road, Okpoigonno, Tsuibleo, Marteytsuru, Tebibiiano, Korjor and Demo. At Nungua, the farming areas are Nautical, Adogonno, Blekesse Gonno and Buade. Most of the farmers are into vegetable cultivation and few stable crops like maize and cassava
Table: Statistical data on major crops under cultivation in 2010
Crop | Number of crop farmers | Estimated area of land under cultivation (Ha) |
Maize | 229 | 58.259 |
Cassava | 112 | 40.68 |
Plantain | 60 | 12.447 |
Pepper | 74 | 24.921 |
Okro | 26 | 9.11 |
Watermelon | 24 | 1.03 |
lettuce | 4 | 0.8 |
Tomato | 67 | 15.331 |
Groundnut | 8 | 3.42 |
Source: 2010 Farmers’ Registration data MADU-LEKMA

Maize farms in the Municipality

Sweet pepper in the Municipality

Typical sheep production in the Municipality
Animal production especially small ruminants and poultry are considered as an integral part of the livelihood of most households in the municipality. Most Households depend on these animals as a source of income and protein.
During the major season, small ruminant farmers feed the animals with pasture. Some livestock farmers also preserved straw with urea against the dry season. Cassava and plantain peels are used as supplementary feed.
Grass cutters and rabbits production are gradually taken its root in the municipality as source of alternative income. These ventures seem to be feasible in the Municipality because their productions do not require large land size and hence their productions are being promoted by the Municipal Agricultural Development Unit.
Statistical data on major animals reared in the Municipality
Type of Animal | Number of farmers rearing animals | Total number of animals |
Sheep | 234 | 3,557 |
Goat | 311 | 3,739 |
Cattle | 6 | 248 |
Pig | 17 | 419 |
Exotic Poultry | 60 | 21,481 |
local poultry | 396 | 6,045 |
Ducks | 33 | 826 |
Guinea fowl | 12 | 759 |
Grasscutter | 24 | 484 |
Rabbit | 15 | 344 |
Doves | 1 | 23 |
Pigeon | 2 | 12 |
Source: 2010 Farmers’ Registration data MADU-LEKMA

Goats feeding on cut grass

Typical sheep production in the Municipalit

A typical ranch in municipality
http://mofa.gov.gh/site/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/lekma-7.jpg 588w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" style="margin: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 18px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 732px; max-width: 100%;">

Rabbit production in the Municipality
The unit assisted farmers in the Municipality to benefit from the fertilizer subsidy programme by ensuring that the dealer had regular supply of fertilizer and also directing farmers to the fertilizer depot in the Municipality.
The unit also assisted farmers to benefit from the Cockerel Project by training them on poultry management and distributing 1,040 cockerels to 102 (male: 60 female: 42) farmers. A farmer also received 75 broilers rangers which are growing very well.
Thirty five (35) (male: 27 female:8 ) farmers within the Municipality also benefited from the LDP Credit In-Kind Scheme by receiving 358 sheep under the scheme.
Teshie-Nungua is one of the major fishing communities in the Greater Accra Region. The nature of fishing in the municipality is basically marine fishing.
The type of fish that are caught in the municipality include Herrings (Round and Flat sardines), Bumper, Tuna (Atlantic little tuna, Spigacer, Chuv Mackerel), Burico, Anchovies, Cassava fish, Thread fin, Shad, Tandora, etc.
Fish processing (smoking, salting and drying) in the municipality is mostly done by the women.

Harvested fish in the basket

Fish processing in the Municipality
The fertlizer sudsidy programme was carried out in the Municipality in 2010. The unit assisted farmers in the Municipality to benefit from the fertilizer subsidy programme by ensuring that the only dealer in the Municipality had regular supply of fertilizer. Farmers were also directed to the fertilizer depot.
The Cockerel Project, (under APD), is supporting local poultry farmers to improve upon their nutrition and income levels by supplying eight week old cockerels to them. Eighty six local poultry farmers (M=60 F=26) have been trained on housing, nutrition, disease recognition, prevention and control and I2 vaccination under the project.
A total of 1,040 cockerels were received from Nungua National Livestock breeding Station and distributed to 102 farmers (M= 60 F= 42) in the Municipality.
A farmer has also received 75 broiler rangers and all are doing well.

Cockerels under cockerel project
MADU -LDP had trained 37 sheep farmers (M=29 F=8 ) on:
- Housing and nutrition,
- Supplementary feeding,
- Record keeping,
- Disease recognition and control, and
- Livestock farming as a Business.
Three hundred and fifty eight (358) sheep under the LDP Credit In-kind Scheme were received and distributed to 35 (M=27 F=8) livestock farmers in the Municipality.

LDP Credit In-kind sheep
MADU-LEKMA is initiating drip irrigation system to farmers in the Municipality to help them crop all year round.
The unit with the support from the Municipal Assembly carried out anti-rabies campaign and vaccination in 2010, a total of 2,424 dogs, 349 cats and 6 monkeys were vaccinated.

A veterinary officer vaccinating a dog against rabies
The following regional and award winners were produced in the Municipality
- Best regional watermelon farmers 2009
- Best National AEA 2010
- Best Regional Fish processor 2010
- Best Regional youth in agriculture for poultry 2010
Some examples of investment activities in the district
The Municipal Assembly assisted 14 Fisher folks in Teshie and Nungua with 14 out board motors at a total cost of GH¢14,000.00.

Figure: Hon. Municipal Chief Executive presenting outboard motors to fisher folks
The Municipal Assembly also constructed a slaughter house at Teshie Lascala market for butchers in the Municipality.
The Ga East District is bounded on the north by Akwapim North District of the Eastern Region, on the south by Accra Metropolitan Authority, on the west by Tema Metropolitan Authority and on the east by Ga West District.
The District has a total land size of about 166km2. About 58.10km2 of the total land size is urbanized whilst 107.90km2 is for agricultural production. It is divided into four (4) zones with sixteen (16) operational areas consisting of forty-two (42) communities.
The Ga East District lies in the savannah agro-ecological zone. Rainfall pattern is bi -modal. The average annual temperature ranges between 25.1ºC in August and 33ºC in February and March. February and March are hotter months.
Agricultural activities constitute 55% of the economically active population. About 70% in the rural areas depend on Agriculture for their livelihood. Again about 95% of farmers are small holders .The main crops grown in the district are maize, cassava, okro, pepper tomatoes and garden eggs. Animal production includes sheep, goats, pigs, rabbit rearing, grass cutter and poultry farming. Majority of the farmers use simple tools such as hoes and cutlasses.
The women mostly farm and process Cassava into Gari and Cassava dough.
Alternate livelihood includes mushroom, snail production, grass cutter rearing, rabbit and poultry farming.
Petty trading, stone cracking and artizanary are the non-agricultural activities carried out in the district.
Soil Type
The table below shows the various types of soils that can be found in the district and the types of crops that are suitable for them.
Soil Type
No. | Type | Location | Characteristics | Suitable crops |
1 | Fete Consociation | Gonten, Abokobi, Bobomase, Akporman, Adenkrebi, Kponkpo | Very shallow, excessively well drained, pale coloured sandy loam, contains small pieces of rock on steep slopes | Suitable for permanent forestry |
2 | Nyigbenya, Haatso Complex Association | Oshiyie, Frafraha, Agbogba, Haatso, Kwabenya, Taifa, Dome | Well drained, red, sandy clay loam to clay with abundant rough stone concretions and quartz gravels | Maize, yam, cassava, groundnut, sweet potato, vegetables, etc. |
3 | Oyarifa-Mamfe Complex Association | Ayimensah, Manmomon, Adoteiman, Otinibi, Oyarifa | Deep, orange brown to bright red, sandy clays, red clay loam containing abundant ironstone concretions and gravels. | Maize, cassava, groundnut, tobacco, millet, sorghum, sisal, pineapple, yam, vegetables and tree crops |
4 | Danfa-Dome Association | Danfa to Dome | Red, well drained concretionary clay loam; deep, plastic concretionary clay; yellowish brown with lime concretions; deep black, calcareous cracking clays. | Irrigated rice, cotton, sugarcane, vegetables |
5 | Fete Bediesi Complex Association | Taboadidi, Berekuso, Sesemi, Ayim | Consists of yellow brown and alluvial sand; red, well drained sandy clay loam | The and shallow skeletal type is good for forestry. The well drained deep soils are good for maize, cassava, yams, pineapple, cowpea, soyabean, sisal, sunflower and tree crops like cashew, mango, citrus, teak, etc. |
Overview of Agricultural Activities
- Land size
About 35% (i.e. 58.10km2) of the total land size in the Municipality is urbanized whilst 65% (107.9km2) is for agricultural production. Farmlands are available in the rural communities but scarce in the urban centres.
- Land Tenure System
Land in the district is owned by:
- Outright ownership by purchase
- Family lands/type that could be rented
- Nnoboa
- Leasehold
Agricultural Productivity in the District.
The major crops cultivated in the district are:
Table: Major crops
Crop | Type |
Vegetables | Pepper, tomatoes, exotic types (cabbage, carrots) |
Fruits | Watermelon |
Cereals and grains | Maize, rice |
Legume | Cowpea |
Root crop | Sweet potato, yam, cocoyam |
Agroforestry | Cassia, Neem |
Crop Production
The table below shows the location where particular crops are cultivated.
Crop Production
Crop | Location | Practices |
Maize | In all communities | Irrigated by wind pipe. Improved seeds and agrochemicals are used by the farmers. Some of the farmers employ rain-fed conditions. Other farming practices include crop rotation. |
Yam | Danfa, Ayimensah, Kweiman | |
Rice | Taifa Burkina | |
Cocoyam | Kweiman | |
Vegetables (carrot, cabbage, okra, pepper, etc.) | Kweiman, Musuko, Kwabenya, Atomic (on large scale) | |
Cowpea | In all communities |
General view of Livestock Production
There are about 2800 local birds in the Municipality.
There are about seven (14) farmers known in the district; three (3) at Akporman, three (3) at Boi, two (2) at Ashongman and one (1) at Abokobi and five (5) at Kweiman and Ayimensah.
Livestock Production in the District
Livestock | Location | Size per household | Practices |
Sheep | Mostly produced in all communities | Small scale : 10
Large scale : 30 – 40 |
Mainly producded by extensive system |
Goat | Mostly produced in all communities | Small scale : 10
Large scale : 30 – 40 |
Mainly producded by extensive system |
Pig | Mostly produced in all communities | They are normally produced on small scale | Mainly producded by extensive system |
Poultry | Oyarifa, Pantang, Abokobi, Ashongman, Abladjei and Boi. | Small scale : 20
Large scale : 5000 layers per farmer |
For large scale, it is mechanized. Farmers follow vaccination and feeding regimes. |
Irrigation Facilities
Irrigation facilities for farming are located in the following areas (mainly for vegetable production):
- Kweiman – This community has a wind mill that pumps water from the ground purposely for irrigation of farm crops.
- Musuko – This community has a stream that flows from a source which is used by farmers to irrigate their crops on the farm.
- Kwabenya – This community also has a stream that flows from a source which is used by farmers to irrigate their crops on the farm.
Input Suppliers
AGRIMAT is the main supplier of agricultural inputs in the district. However, there are other 10 (ten) small shops in the district that supply agricultural inputs. Inputs supplied include:
1) Seeds
2) Machinery
3) Chemicals (NPK 15:15:15, Ammonia, Roundup, Ceresate)
Commercial Farms
Some of the farms produced on commercial basis are:
- Crop farms
- Livestock /Poultry
- Processing factories
Bagging and packaging of produce namely yams and pineapples are done at Agbogba and exported. The packaging is done on large-scale basis. Pineapples are also processed into fruit juice and sent to the local market..
Nkulenu factory located at Madina also processes vegetables and fruits on large-scale.
Feed mill
The major centres where feed mills are located are:
- Adenta – 1
- Oyarifa – 1
- Abokobi – 1
- Amrahia – 1
The produce is bought at the farm gate level as well as the marketing centres at Madina, Taifa and Haatso markets. External marketing is also carried out. Commodities exported in the district are mainly vegetables such as tinda, pepper and cauliflower.