District Greater Accra




Cockerel Project

District Number of birds received % Recovery % Mortality
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Range birds Total
Dangme West 300 200 300 300 75 800 100% 15%
Dangme East   300 300 300 75 600 100% 20%
AMA   200 300 300 75 500 100% 17%
TMA   300 300 300 75 600 100% 20%
Ashaiman 300 100 300 300 75 700 100% 40%
Ga East 300   300 500 75 600 100% 15%
Ga West 300   300 300 75 600 100% 20%
Ga South 300   300 100 75 600 100% 30%
LEKMA   200 300 300 75 500 100% 10%
ADMA   200 300 300 75 500 95% 22%
Total 1500 1500 3000 3000 750 9750 97.5% 24%


Fowls under Cockerel Project


Credit in Kind Scheme (Sheep)

District No. of Beneficiaries No. of animals supplied No. of Births Mortalities


No. of animals

by end of April

Male Female
AMA 120 52 1117 162 445 886
Dangme East 120 82 1118 220 360 1060
Total 240 134 2235 382 805 1946

*High mortality is attributed to PPR infection and stress during transit

Credit in Kind Scheme (Pigs)


District No. of Beneficiaries No. of animals received Mortalities


ASHMA 15 60 0 All animals given out were females.

No births have been recorded but 7 are pregnant.

TMA 10 40 1
Ga South 5 20 0
Dangme West 10 40 0
AMA 10 40 0
Total 50 200 1  


  • Six districts participated ( Dangme East, Dangme West, TMA, Ashaiman, Ga South and Adentan)
  • Enterprises include:

–     Onion (100Ha)

–     Tomatoes (100Ha)

–     Rice Grain (250Ha)

Total Land Area (450Ha)

Total Government Expenditure – GH¢ 252,943.70


District Area under cultivation (Ha) Direct employment Indirect Employment Total Employment
Dangme East 80 132 560 692
Dangme West 200 166 1400 1566
Ashaiman 80 111 560 671
Adentan 10 25 70 95
TMA 70 163 490 653
Ga South 10 68 70 138
Total 450 665 3150 3815

District Distribution of Area Coverage

Block Farm 2011

Enterprise Target area to be cultivated Actual area under cultivation
Rice 400 84
Maize 100 150
Onion 100 134
Tomato 50 71
Pepper Nil 34
Total 650 473


District Distribution of Enterprises


No. Districts Area under cultivation per commodity by districts (Ha) Total area per district (Ha)
Maize Onion Tomato Pepper Rice
1 ADMA 20 10   10   40
2 Ga West 6 17     34 57
3 ASHMA 15 30       45
4 LEKMA 20 15 5     40
5 Dangme East     40     40
6 Ga East 46 4   16   66
7 TMA 15 58 26     99
8 Ga South 20         20
9 Dangme West 8     8 50 66
  Total 150 134 71 34 84 473



Seed Distribution


MMDAs Onion Tomato Pepper Maize Rice
Ha Bottle (800g) Ha Sachets (100g) Ha Sachets (100g) Ha Bags (45kg) Ha Bags (40kg)
ADMA 10 150     10 50 20 10    
Ga West 17 255         6 3 34 85
ASHMA 30 450         15 7.5    
LEKMA 15 225 5 25     20 10    
D. East     40 200            
Ga East 4 60     16 80 46 23    
TMA 58 870 26 130     15 7.5    
Ga South             20 10    
D. West         8 40 8 4 50 125
Total 134 2010 71 355 34 170 150 75 84 210



  • Land Preparation:

–     Ongoing in all participating districts  (Ga South completed)

–     AMSECs and other individual operators have been engaged.

–     Farmers have agreed to fund land preparation (Gh¢40 per acre)

  • Fertilizer distribution:

–     Distribution of fertilizer is on-going (supplies made to TMA and Ga South)

–     Total quantity to be supplied include 3008 bags of NPK, 1481 bags of urea and 500 bags of Sulphate of Ammonia



Fertilizer type Qty Received by Region Qty sold out % Utilisation Total Subsidy to be Paid (GH¢)
NPK 59,636 59,291 99.42% 1,007,947
Sulphate of Ammonia 29,869 28,952 96.93% 492,184
Urea 21,853 19,885 90.99% 338,045
Total 1,838,176


The Greater Accra Region recognizes the role of private sector in developing a viable agribusiness that is market-driven. In this context, the region encourages both domestic and foreign investments in agribusiness through investor-friendly policies that include:-

  • Land: Facilitating acquisition of suitable sites and lands for various agri-businesses.
  • Infrastructure: Facilitating the provision of basic infrastructure including roads, drainage, irrigation, water and electricity supply.
  • Accessibility: The region is easily accessible by sea ports, airport and roads. The region also has infrastructure for ICT in the country.
  • Labour: The region has a large pool of educated workforce to support modern agribusiness development.

There are several agricultural opportunities in the Greater Accra region. These include but are not limited to the following:

  • Well Developed Irrigation Facility:

The presence of large water bodies (Densu and Volta) has contributed to the development of large scale irrigation schemes (covering an area 3599ha). These schemes comprise the Dawhenya and Kpong irrigation schemes (for rice and vegetable production), Weija Irrigation scheme (for vegetables) and the Torkpo Irrigation Scheme which is still under construction for rice and vegetable production.

In addition, there are several small scale irrigation schemes such as dams, dug outs and boreholes scattered in the region. Examples include the irrigation sites at Michel camp and Klagon for vegetables and fresh maize production, anyakpor irrigation scheme for women tomato farmers in the Dangme East district, and vegetable farmers at Dzorwulo who have been supported with wells for production of vegetables.

In Dangme West for example, a civil society group has constructed a dam at Kordiabe for irrigation purposes.

A very huge potential for the development of irrigation lies on the Accra Plains between Tema and Ada. Studies are under way to put the area under irrigation.

  • Large Scale Markets for Agricultural Produce, and Manufacturing Industries.


In the Greater Accra region, there are markets that have not yet been exploited fully. Areas with well developed markets include the Accra Metropolis, Tema metropolis, Dangme East and West, Ashaiman and Ga East. The region also harbours huge processing and manufacturing industries including Pineapple processing companies (Blue Sky, Processed foods, Oni Spring etc.) meat processing companies (Premier Meat products, for example), tomato processing companies (Trusty Foods, for example) creating ready market for our farmers.

In addition to large scale processing, the region is also promoting small scale and cottage processing industries. Examples include processing of fresh milk into local cheese (wagashi), yoghurt etc., cashew processing into alcoholic beverages and roasted cashew nuts, pineapple into drink and juice, processing of soya into soya milk, soya gari, soya khebab etc.

Road network within the region is also very adequate and links up production communities to the major markets centres.

  • Proximity to the Ports and Harbours

The major port and harbour in the country (Kotoka International Airport and Tema Harbour) reside within the Greater Accra Region. This gives a big opportunity for farmers within the region to go into exportable commodities.

  • Available Suitable Lands for Crop and Aquaculture Development

Despite the increasing urbanization the region still has huge acreages of land which has not been put under cultivation. These are very good lands suitable for food crop production and aqua-culture development especially within the Dangme West and Dangme East districts. Fortunately these lands are close to the Volta river and therefore can be developed fully under irrigation. Lands within the Dangme East, Ga West, Ga South and Dangme West districts are very suitable for aqua-culture development due to its high clayey and water retention capacity. The region has a number of fingerling production sites in Ashaiman, Dangme West and the Ga West districts which provide a large opportunity for aqua-culture production.

  • Large Tracts of Grazing Lands

The region has large tracts of grazing lands in the Dangme East and Dangme West Districts which could be developed further for livestock production. Oversowing of rangelands is being promoted in the Dangme East district under the Livestock Development Project to regrass rangelands for livestock feeding.

Other Areas of Investment

Other areas of investment in the region are marketing of fresh fish. It is very common to see young men by our beach roads selling fresh fish in trays and other containers. This indicates that consumers prefer very fresh fish to deep freezed fish. An ultra modern fresh fish market could be built in Tema or Accra (James town) to sell fresh fish to the general public.



Vaccination Type No. of Animals vaccinated
CBPP 15,489
PPR (Sheep) 38,964
PPR (Sheep) 33,416
Rabies (Dogs) 18,278
Rabies (Cats) 2,258
Rabies (Monkeys) 46
Newcastle (Commercial Poultry) 976,475
Newcastle (I-2) local fowls 75,070
Gumboro 501,950
Fowl Pox 166,200
Tryps 2,075
African Horse Sickness 187









  1. Total marine fish production (2010) – 37,853Mt
  2. Production estimate (Jan – March 2011) – 9,532Mt
  3. Total for period under review – 47,385Mt
  4. 17 inshore boats renewed their license during the period under review


Fish Pond Construction


Total no. of fish ponds Functional Non-Functional New Constructed Ponds
238 177 50 11



  • 125 visits were recorded during the period. TMA and Prampram processing sheds were inspected regularly
  • Fish catch data collected from all the selected landing sites and the fishing harbour
  • Sensitization has been done in   8 communities. 58 chief fishermen also educated.



To ensure the security of food supply and enhance economic growth of farmers, fishers, processors, etc, the region places much importance on agricultural development. To achieve this, the region consciously promotes development of various agricultural commodities as well as facilitates the marketing of same.

A total of 3,584 metric tonnes (maize), 12,741 metric tonnes (rice), and 68,170 metric tonnes (cassava) metric tonnes were produced year, 2010.

It is indeed a fact that the active engagement of agro-entrepreneurs comprising the large commercial producers, small and medium size entrepreneurs (SMEs) and traditional subsistent farmers with increasing interest in commercial production of agribusiness undertaking has propelled agriculture development in the region.

Table: Cropped Area of Major Crops


Commodity Area under

Cultivation (Ha)

Production (Mt) Yield (Mt/Ha), 2009 Yield (Mt/Ha), 201
Maize 3,638 4,145 0.92 0.93
Rice 2,323 12,773 4.53 5.40
Cassava 6,834 67,440 10.47 10.70
Tomato 10,464 14,871 5.33* 5.19
Pepper 5,727 14,595 2.33 2.41
Garden Eggs 325 1,902 3.50* 3.43
Okra 4,447 12,809 3.42 3.66
Lettuce* 34 280 10.00 8.23
Onion 211 1,905 11.63 14.07
Cucumber 21 283 32.00 33.48
Cabbage* 238 15,910 40.00 35.03
Watermelon 814 17,350 33.33 35.67
  • Total quantity of seed maize produced during the reporting period was 31.5MT.
  • Various varieties of seed rice were also produced.

–       Jasmine (10MT),

–     KIP Marshall (4.92MT),

–     Aromatic Short (5.822MT).

The total rice seed producers registered during the period were 9 however the mentioned production levels were recorded from only 4 farmers.




The Greater Accra region is the smallest region in terms of landmass covering a total surface area of 4,450km.sq. It is centrally located within the coastal belt of Ghana and shares boundaries with the Eastern Region to the north, Central region to the west and Volta Region to the east. To the south of the region lies the Gulf of Guinea which span 220km coastline stretching from Langma near Kasoa in the west to Ada in the east.


The region is divided into 10 Assemblies namely: Accra Metropolitan Assembly, Tema Metropolitan Assembly, Ga West Municipal Assembly, Ga East Municipal Assembly, Ga South Municipal Assembly, Adentan Municipal Assembly, Ashaiman Municipal Assembly, Ledzokuku-Krowoh Municipal Assembly, Dangme East district Assembly and Dangme West district Assembly.


Rainfall pattern is bi-modal – major and the minor seasons. The major season: April to July. The minor season: August to October. The average annual rainfall is between 800mm on the coast to about 1270mm. Rainfall is usually characterized by thick cloudy conditions and high intensive storms. This situation always causes flooding of the valley bottoms. The coastal wet lands also get flooded as a result of the occasional opening of the Weija dam when it is full. This affects crop production.

The annual average temperature ranges between 25.1ºC in August and 28.4ºC in February and March which are the hottest months. Relative humidity is about 75%. Average duration figures are about 94% and 69% at 6:00 and 15:00 respectively.

Soils are sandy and clayey loams. Alluvia soils are found at the valley bottoms and the estuary.

The main agricultural activities are livestock and poultry production, fishing, and production of maize, cassava, vegetables notably pepper, okro, garden eggs, cabbage, tomatoes, Asian vegetables, fruits such as, pineapple, water melon, pawpaw and tree crops such as mango.


The region has four main areas of specialty with respect to its operations. These are crops (cereals, root and tubers, vegetables, tree crops etc), livestock (small ruminants, local and exotic poultry, pigs, cattle etc), fisheries (tilapia, cat/mad fish etc) and alternative livelihood (rabbit, grasscutter, bee keeping, mushroom, etc).

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