Amansie West






Amansie West District Agricultural Development Unit (AWDADU) exist to lead in the overall agricultural development of the Amansie West District through coordinated strategies involving all local stakeholders for an improved living standard of the people and Ghana as a whole


Location and Size

The Amansie West District was carved out of the former Amansie District in 1988. The District shares common boundaries with eight districts namely: Atwima Nwabiagya and Atwima Mponuah to the west, Bekwai Municipality, Amansie Central and Obuasi Municipal to the east, Atwima Kwawhoma to the north and Upper Denkyira and Bibiani to the south. The District serves as a regional boundary between Ashanti Region on one side and Central and Western Region on the other side. Specifically, the district It is located within latitude 6.05o West: 6.35o North: 1.40o South and 2.05o East.

The Amansie West District spans an area of about 1,364 square kilometers and it is the one of the largest districts in Ashanti forming about 5.4% of the total land area of the Ashanti Region. Manso Nkwanta is the District Capital and it is about 65 km from Kumasi. Other bigger settlements include Abore, Agroyesum, Ahwerewa, Ankam, Antoakrom, Aponapon, Datano, Esaase, Esuowin, Keniago, Mpatuam, Moseaso, Nipankyeremia, Odaho, Pakyi No. 1 and 2 and Watreso.

The surrounding regions and districts with respect to this location provide opportunity for marketing goods and services from the district. The location of the district makes it the gate way to Ashanti from western and central. This has a great potential for promoting hospitality industries such as hotels, restaurants and crafts products. With its vast land area, there is access to agricultural land for promotion of rice, citronella, cocoa, oranges and oil palm plantations to feed the local agro based industries and beyond.

Relief and Drainage

The topography of the district is generally undulating with an elevation of 210 m above sea level. The most prominent feature is the range of hills, which stretches across the north-western part of the district, especially around Manso-Nkwanta and Abore. These hills have an elevation of between 560 m 630 m. The district is drained in the north by the Offin and Oda rivers and their tributaries such as Jeni, Pumpin and Emuna. The drainage pattern of the district can be harnessed for irrigational cultivation of rice vegetable farming and aqua culture.


The climate of the district is wet semi-equatorial climatic.  It has a double rainfall maxima regime- with the major rainy season occurring between March and July.  The minor rainfall season occurs between September and November.  Mean annual rainfall ranges between 855mm and 1,500mm.  The average number of rainy days for the year is between 110 and 120 days.  The months, December to March are usually dry and characterized by high temperatures, and early morning moist/fog and cold weather conditions. Temperatures are generally high throughout the year with mean monthly temperature of about 27ºc.  Humidity is high during the rainy season.  The months of December to February, however, record very low humidity. This climatic condition is suitable for the cultivation of cash and food crops such as cocoa, citronella, oranges, plantain and vegetables to feed the agro based industries in the district and beyond.

It must be stressed however that, current trends in the climatic conditions of the district is becoming unpredictable as a result of climatic change. This has however affected agriculture planning. The situation calls for measures to reduce the overreliance on climate for agricultural production like irrigation.


The vegetation of the District is mainly of the rain forest type and exhibits moist semi deciduous characteristics. This makes the land very fertile and suitable for agricultural investments Food and cash crops such as cassava, rice, maize, cocoa, citrus, oil palm, citronella grass, and others are widely grown in the area. As a result of the bad practices such as shifting cultivation, slash and burn method of farming illegal mining and illegal logging, has gradually destroyed and replaced by a mosaic of secondary forest.

Fortunately for the district there are four main forest reserves in the district. These are namely the;

Oda River Forest Reserve

Apanprama Forest Reserve

Jimira Forest Reserve and

Gyeni River Forest Reserve


There are six (6) main soil types in the district. These are Bekwai-Oda compound Association. This series is a deep well drained, red gravelly soil and normally occur in valley bottoms. This series is found in the northern part of Abore and areas around Dome-Keniago. Antoakrom, Odaho and a large portion of the land beyond the river Offin. The second type of soil is the Ahawam-Kakum-Chichiwere Association. This series is reddish brown in colour, deep well drained loam to clay loam. This series is found in the south western part of the district and Nyamebekyere, Britcherkrom and Adagya area.

The third series found in the district is the Mim-Oda Compound. This slightly different from the Bekwai-Oda because of the presence of abundant stone gravels. This soil occurs in the southern part of Datano and Aboaboso.

The forth is the Bekwai-Zongo-Oda Complex found mainly in the northern part of Esaase. Nyanoo-Tinkong Association is the fifth soil type. This series are very shallow in nature soil on eroded hill tops and flanks. They are found in the hilly areas of Abore.

The sixth is the Kobeda-Eschiem-Subinso-Oda Complex. The outstanding feature of this series is its limited in use by its shallow depth hence making it susceptible to draught. They are found in the northern part of Manso-Nkwanta and areas around Essuowin and Bayerebon.

The above mentioned soil types have the potential of supporting both food and cash crops such as cassava, plantain, coca, citronella, oil palm etc. No wonder the district is ranked third in the cocoa production business. However, where soil fertility is low there is the need for soil fertility practices and the use of fertilizer for increased and sustainable production and productivity.


Mineral Deposits

Among the resources identified in the district are potentially rich mineral (gold) deposits. Areas with such deposit include Bonteso, Gyeninso, Mpatuam, Essuowin, Tontokrom and others.

Quite a large area of the district has been acquired and concessions by some companies who have been licensed for prospecting..

There are however other areas in the district with gold deposits which have not been acquired. Notable among such areas is the Jeni Bonte Rivers Placer Deposits. It has been estimated that there are about 21,361,400 cubic meters of soil containing 5,209,866 grams of gold in the Jeni Bonte River.  Apart from the companies with large concessions in the district, there are other interested parties in the mining industry. There are pockets of small scale mining groups in the district employ very crude methods to win gold even though a large portion of the youth in their activities. The activities of these various groups are not properly regulated and not well organized to be seen as part of a total package development efforts in the district.

Conditions of the Natural Environment

The natural environment of the District which used to be one of the purest in the region is gradually losing its purity and importance. This can be attributed to the increase in population and its attendance problems and effect on the environment. The District can boast of natural environment ranging from forest reserves with rich species of flora and fauna to vast arable land that can support the production of both stable crops and cash crops.

Chain saw operators and some timber merchants are encroaching on the reserves so rapidly that it is fear that the reserves will lose its value in the next few years. Furthermore, the activities of both small scale mining and galamsey operators are having a serious effect on the natural environment.

The above gloomy picture does not mean nothing can be done. The citronella plant (cymbonogon natdus and winterianius) is a plant that thrives well in the Amansie West District. This is an aromatic grass that was introduced into Ghana in the 1970’s from Sri Lanker. Basically oil; is being extracted from Citronella grass and the oil contains, Citronellal, geraniol, geranyl formate. The plant has the potential of generation income for the rural folks and protecting the environment.

In Ghana, the essential oil derive is mainly used as perfume for soap production   and as an active ingredient in anti – fungal cream. Information available indicates that, Amansie Resolute Limited as part of its corporate responsibilities and environmental sustainability built the capacity of the rural folks to cultivate the plant. There is therefore the need to revamp and sustain the interest in the cultivation and processing of the citronella plant so as to protect the environment from the religs of galamsey operations and activities of chain sawn operators and further to energies the local economy through its myriad value chain development.


Conditions of the Built Environment

The District has over three hundred towns, villages and hamlets. Antoakrom, Dataano, Edubia, Manso Nkwanta, Mpatuam Keniango are the urban communities. Conditions of the communities are characterized by large compound house which are inadequately planned and controlled. Poor drainage facilities, unkempt surroundings and heaps of refuse are found in the urban communities while erosion is very severe and has affected buildings in the rural areas.


The 2000 population and housing census put the housing stock at 14,900.  In the district, most households own their dwelling units. The quality of dwellings varies dramatically as it depends on the type of materials used for construction. More than half (52.9%) of the dwellings have walls made with mud blocks while the rest have walls made of wood with mud and palm/logs. More than half (57%) of the households in the area have floors made of earth/sand, while the rest (43%) have cement/concrete floors. Galvanized iron sheet is the main roofing material (73%), followed by thatch (13%) and reed/bamboo (11%). Roofs made of thatch and reed/bamboo has a very short lifespan and requires constant replacement on a yearly basis. Available statistics indicates and increasing trend in population as against the available housing stock. This situation calls for intervention by estate developers to provided adequate housing.


Demographic Characteristics

Population forms the bases for any planed intervention. This section of the plan is devoted to the description of population issues in the district. Demographic issues considered include trends in population growth, age and sex structure, broad age groups and others.

Population size and growth

In 1984, the District population was 85,619. The 2000 National Population and Housing Census put the district’s population at 108,273 people. This is about 3.0% of the regional population.  Currently, the population of the district has been projected to 144,104. This is made up of 3.8% urban and 96.2% rural.  The table below indicates the population trends in the district over the years.






1984 2,090,100 85,619 1.5 62.77
1994 N.A 99,474 72.93
2000 3,612,950 108,273 2.4 79.38
2004 N.A 121,390 89.10
2006 4239207 128,533 2.4 94.20
2009 N.A 140,043 102.67
2010 N.A 144,104 2.9 105.65

Source: Population census reports and group’s projections

The above data indicates an increasing population for the district. The population density of the district has been increasing over the years.


Spatial Distribution

As already stated, the 2000 population and housing census puts the total population of the district at 108,726 people. This population is found in the over three hundred towns, village and hamlets in the district.

The most populous town in the district is Mpatuam with a population of 5,425 inhabitants. Population distribution of the district is skewed positively towards the north eastern part of the district. These areas include Pakyi No. 1, Antoakrom and Esuowin. The growth in population in these areas can be attributed to the very good road network. For instance, the Kumasi Obuase Highways pass through Pakyi No.1 and Pakyi no. 2. These two communities have become dormitory towns providing accommodation for the labour force for Kumasi. This situation   provides conditions for creating weekend and night markets to serve the needs of these labour force in addition to interventions by estate developers.

The hinterlands have been reduced to scattered farming hamlets with some having poor road surface conditions linking communities. These areas are characterized by migrant farmers who work in the farms of the local inhabitants. These areas coincide with the food basket of the district. However, there are bigger communities which have sprung up in these areas as a result of mining activities. These communities include Daatano, Watereso, Abore, Bonsaaso, and Tontokrom. The mining activities have attracted population to these areas. These communities serve as growth centre to the surrounding hinterlands

There is the need for effective and efficient planning in the district to take care of the ever growing population to prevent pressure on the few existing facilities.

Population Density

The population density of the district has been increasing over the years. In the year 1984, the population density was 62.77p/ km2. It increased to 79.38 p/km2 in 2000 and currently stands at 102.67p/ km2. This situation even though not alarming, efforts is required to keep it in check to avoid pressure on both natural resources and other physical infrastructure.

Household Characteristics

A typical household in the district is comprised by the head, spouse, children and other relatives. There are 7 different household types within the district. The male-headed households constitute the largest proportion (81.4%) followed by female-headed households (18.6%). Female-headed households are mostly single-parent households as their male companion has either died or is away. The average household size is 5.2 persons. On average each household has 2.9 adults (18 years and older) and 2.3 children.

Table: Household types in Amansie West

Household Type Percentage of Total
Male headed- single wife 70.3
Male headed- polygamous 5.5
Female headed widowed- single 9.1
Female headed widowed-polygamous 1.2
Female headed husband away 3.4
Male headed- divorced or single, widower 5.6
Female headed- divorced or single 4.9

Source: MVP – baseline Report (2008)


It is evident from the table above that male headed – single wife type of household dominates the district. Polygamy is very limited in the district. This is provides a platform for unity in the overall development of the district. Again, the above depicts the dominance of males in all aspect of local development. There is the need to consult wider in development planning and implementation and further to involve women since there will be the temptation to only consider males especially when consultation is restricted to head of households.


The table below indicates the household composition of the District.

Table: Household Composition in Amansie West

Household Type Percentage of Total
Only one member 8%
2 – 3 members 8%
4 – 5 20%
6 – 7 21%
8 – 9 14%
Above 9 8%

Source: MVP – baseline Report (2008)

Household Income

The average income in district is $230 per person per year with the median income at $103. Per-capita income was used to estimate income quartiles. Each household is categorized into one of four income quartiles—groups with 25% of the total population each Three quarters of the households can be considered extremely poor—living with less than US$ 0.7 a day, while the upper quartile make up to US$4.5 a day. The difference between the upper and lower quartiles is significant (US$ 4.35 per person per year).

The three main sources of income of households in the District can be categorized as agriculture, non-agricultural activities and remittances. As expected, agriculture is the main source of income in the area, accounting for 73 percent of the total, while other income generating activities such as commerce, trade and on- and off-farm employment generate 24% of the total. Remittance accounted for only 3% of the household income.


The district’s population is made up of four main ethnic groups. The largest group, the Akans, accounts for 86.4% of the population. Other ethnic groups are the Northerners (9.7%), the Ewe (3.6%) and the Ga (1.1%). The ethnic group composition has important socio-cultural implications in terms of intervention design and development. The population in district is predominantly Christians (79.4%). Muslims constitute about 8%, while the remaining 12.8% either are Pagans or are part of small sects.  Dominant churches in the District include: Roman Catholics, Pentecostals and Methodists. These ethnic groupings are coexisting in harmony and make it convenient for promotion, development and growth of businesses.

(Source, Amansie West Medium Term Development Plan)


Age and Sex Distribution

The sex structure of the district’s population indicates 49.1% males and 50.9.% females. This phenomenon is a true reflection of the national situation. This situation indicates the need for effective policies toward the improvement of females. The age structure of the economy depicts that of a typical developing economy. The broad age structure indicates 45.8% for the 0-14 age cohort, 5.1% for the 65 + and 49.1% for 15-64 age cohort.

Table : Population Sex Structure

Males (%) Female (%) Total (%) Males (%) Female (%) Total (%)
0-14 41.98 41.99 41.9 23.2 22.6 45.8
15-64 51.06 52.78 51.9 23.7 25.4 49.1
65+ 6.96 5.22 6.1 2.2 2.9 5.1
total 50.32 49.67 100 49.1 50.9 100

Source: Census Reports, 2000


From the table above, the dependant population of the district i.e. the age cohort 0-14 and 65+ forms 50.9% of the total population and that females are more than males. This phenomenon calls for the promotion of female and children related goods and services.

Labour Force

Table 1.3.4 above reveals that the District labour force (the economic active group i.e. 15 – 64) is 49.1% of the total population. This implies that, when there is full employment in the district, a total of 68,761 people will be engaged in one of the occupations in the district. This situation means that, there is existing labour force to support business interventions.

Table 1.6.1 The Structure of the District Economy

1.     Agriculture 70%
2.     Service 8%
3.     Manufacturing/mining 22%

Source: MoFA-AWDA, 2009

Form the table; it is evident that agriculture is the leading employing sector of the local economy. This is followed by the manufacturing sector which basically is made up of the mining sub sector. The service sector is the least. It is therefore important to formulate policies to increase the percentage employed by the manufacturing sector and the services sector.


Dependency Ratio

The dependency ratio of the district is 1:1.04 This by implication, indicates that, on the average, the one economically active individual takes care of an adult and a child in the district.

Even though the ratio does not show a heavy burden on the active population, efforts should be made towards the formulation of policies to reduce burden on the active population.


Rural Urban Split

During the 2000 housing and population census, none of the communities in the district had a population equivalent to that of urban if the threshold for attaining urban status is 5,000 inhabitants. However, the situation was different in 2006. In this year, a total of two communities had reached urban status. Currently, the rural urban split is 96.2% rural to 3.8% urban. This implies that there is the need for effective population policies that will be directed at bridging the gap between the rural and urban areas.

Surface Accessibilities

Services are provided within a geographic setting to serve a given threshold population. Physical accessibility studies have been undertaken to determine areas that are easily accessible to facilities and services within the district that are not necessarily in their localities. Four services and facilities have been considered. These are:

Health                                                             Hospital / Health Centre

Education                                            2nd Cycle Institution

Banking                                                           Rural Banks

Agriculture                                          Agric extension Service

In assessing physical access to facilities and services, various roads in the district were classified and defined according to the conditions and frequency of transport on the road. Four main types of roads were identified in the district. These are:

Table : Classes of Roads in the District

1st Class: Kumasi – Pakyi – Obuase main road.
2nd Class: Antoakrom – Mem junction – manso Nkwanta road
3rd Class: Agroyesum – Kumpese – Akwasiso and others
4th Class: All other Roads.

Table :Average Speed on Roads

  1st Class Road 2nd Class Road 3rd Class Road 4th Class Road
Estimated Speed 80km/hr 60km/hr 40km/hr 30km/hr
Average Waiting Time 10mins 30mins 2hrs 3hrs
Walking 3km/hr  

Average speed on the various classes of roads considering waiting times are as follows:

1st Class Road                                                 (68.6km/hr)

2nd Class Road                                                            (40km/hr)

3rd Class Road                                                 (13km/hr)

4th Class Road                                                             (7.5km/hr)

Acceptable travel times to access each of the services/ facilities were determined. Areas which are able to reach a service/ facility within the stipulated time have access to the facility. This however, depends on which class of road is being used. The table below shows the district’s acceptable travel time to access various facilities/ services.

Table :Acceptable Travel Times to Access a Facility / Service


S. S. S. / Tech. / Voc 40mins
Hospital / Health Centre 30mins
Banking Services 40mins
Agric Extension Service 25mins


Summary of Poverty Pockets

The poverty pockets of the district have been summarized as follows:

Table : Summary of Poverty Pockets and Profiling

Local Council Characteristics Poverty Stricken Areas


Seat of the only paramouncy

The District capital

River Subin takes its source from this local council area

Surrounded by lot of hills and valleys

Smallest area council

Houses District police headquarters

Kwahu, Essuminja, Bebuabour
Atwere Has the only boarding secondary school which serve as the science resource centre

Has small town water system

Only local council without a health facility

Rice cultivation

Kwankyeabo, Brofoyedru, Adukurama
Antoakrom Easy access to road transport

Banking activities

Oil palm farming

Swampy land for rice production

Houses some of the key institutions in the District ( Cocobod, Rural bank headquarters)

Kobeda, Mpranease, Adwumam, Nyaade, Bensaase
Adubia Has a secondary school

Livestock farming

Fish farming

Swampy land for rice production

Asuadie, Domi-Beposo, Adimposo 1&2, Wahaso, Odahaso, Ayirebikrom
Ahwerewa Vegetable production

Has a secondary- technical school

Has the only police station in the Bontefufuo traditional area

Korko, Hiaso, Abodease
Abore Has the only rocky hills with natural carvings

Availability of quarry stones

There is mining activities (RAL)

Suntreso, Kyenkyenase, Nkaasu,Agyajukrom, Akontamu
Mpatuam Livestock farming

Most populous local council has the only alluvial gold company in Ghana

Has the highest number of small-scale mining companies

Has the highest rate of immigrants

Gyeninso – Akataniase, Bonteso, Aboabo- Tetekaso
Esuowin Has the only vocational school

Swampy land for rice production

Akokroso, Abrense
Datano Has the largest gold mining company in the district

Has the only airstrip

Yawkasakrom, Groso, Fawotrikye, Atraso, Dadeaso, Offinano-Kwakyeabo,
Mim Has the only hospital

Has the second largest river (Nwene)

Citronella cultivation

Moshikrom, Nweneso, Mpatasie, Muawano, Afedie, Nniyinaanse
Keniago Scattered settlements

Has one of the largest forest reserves(Asumenya)

Has the largest river in the District(River Offinho)

Domiabra, Pakyi No.6&7, Asaman, Mehandan, Kobreso Nyamebekyere, Edwinase, Beyerbon No.7

Abouso,Ayiem Fahiakobo

Watreso Has the largest forest reserve in the District

Very rural settlements

Swampy land for rice production

Aboaboso, Apenimadi, Manukrom, Akyekyekrom, Hiamankyene, Ohiampeanika, Awiaso

Source: DPCU (2010)



District Economy


The Structure of the Local Economy

The local economy is made up of agriculture, services Industrial/manufacturing/mining.


While there are a few large farms and cocoa and oil palm plantations, small scale agriculture is predominantly practiced in the district. The average farm size is 12.8 acres or 5 hectares, with more than half of the households (63%) having holdings of about 10 acres or 4 ha. Farm size ranges from 1 acre (0.4 ha) to 74 acres (30 ha), with a median of 9 acres. Wealthier households tend to have larger farms almost twice as big as those in lower income.  Staple crops include cassava, cocoyam, plantain, yam and maize. Vegetables like garden eggs, tomatoes are also cultivated but to a lesser extent than staples. Cocoa is the main cash crop cultivated in the district and the ranked third in the nation. The table below indicates the production levels in food crops.

Vegetables are usually produced along the banks of rivers and at the valley bottoms during the minor season. Buckets, cups, watering cans, and sometimes small irrigation pumps and pipes are used to irrigate these gardens. The types of vegetables grown include pepper, garden eggs, okro, tomatoes, and cabbage. Vegetables are produced for household consumption and local markets.

Table : Crop Production (2007-2010) Metric Tonnes

Major Staple 2007 2008 2009 2010
Maize 1.4mt/ha 1.5mt/ha 1.9mt/ha 1.5mt/ha
Cassava 6.5mt/ha 6.3mt/ha 3.9mt/ha 13.9mt/ha
Cocoyam 5.6mt/ha 5.8mt/ha 3.75mt/ha 8.0mt/ha
Yam 5.1mt/ha 5.2mt/ha 1.25mt/ha 1.5mt/ha

Source:  MOFA AWDADU, 2010


Cocoa is purchased by authorized purchasing companies. However, most food crop production is consumed locally while the others are purchased at the farm gate at lower prices at by middlemen/women and re-sold in the large cities and towns such as Kumasi, Obuasi, Bekwai, Dunkwa and elsewhere far beyond the borders of the region. These low prices can be attributed to lack of adequate marketing facilities, storage facilities, high transportation cost and value addition etc. In addition, as a result of poor road surface condition, most of the farmers are unable to transport their farm produce from the farms to the farm gates leading to post harvest losses.

Citronella cultivation was introduced by Amansie Resolute as part of its restoration programme as a response to environmental requirement. The cultivation of this crop attracted about 70% of the farmers due to the high demand for its oil. The Ministry Of Trade and Industry realizing the potentials of the plant also came in to support by providing processing plant to support the farmers. The table below indicates the current figures as to those currently cultivating the grass in the district.


Table : Employment levels

Name Of Community Percentage Of Farmers
Abodom Dome 21.7
Asamang 9.3
Yawkrom 5.0
Mem 12.4
Atwere 5.0
Manso Nkwanta 2.5
Noninase Nkran 31.1
Dadiese 6.8
Moseaso 2.5
Atoborakrom 1.9
Ayirebikrom 0.6
Kensere 1.2
Total 100

Source: DPCU Sample Survey (Sept. 2010)

The challenges that confronted the citronella were that farmers were unable to acquire adequate working capital for expansion of the cash crop that compelled the plant to operate below capacity while poor management collapsed the plant all together.

Livestock Production

Free animal rearing (mostly poultry, sheep and goats) is done on very small basis at the household level. The sub sector can be promoted on large scale basis such as ranches poultry farms etc. however, high cost of investment has prevented farmers from venturing into larger scale production in that subsector.



Amansie West District Agricultural Development Unit (AWDADU) is headed by a District Director of Agriculture who is supported by seven (7) District Development Officers (DDO’s), an Accountant, 19 Agricultural Extension Agents (AEAs) and two (2) supporting staff.

The district is divided into four (4) zones and made up of twenty-five (25) operational areas. An operational area consists of 4-6 communities.  16 of the operational areas are manned by Agricultural Extension Agents.


Management of AWDADU meets on the second Thursdays of each month to review work in the district.  Staff meeting is held on the first Thursday of each month. District Development Officers (DDOs)’ receive AEAs’ monthly reports on the third Thursdays of the month.


Monthly trainings are organized for staff where emerging appropriate technologies are transferred to AEA’s for onward dissemination to all stakeholders in agriculture.




Agricultural Extension Agents are registering our main clients (farmers/fishers, livestock/poultry) in the district. As at 31st December 2010, the figures are as follows:

CROPS 4,341 3,076 7,417
LIVESTOCK/POULTRY 3,972 2,830 6,802
TOTAL 8,372 5,926 14,298

SOURCE: AWDADU@31/December/2010>


1 MAIZE 4,425
2 CASSAVA 40,300
3 PLANTAIN 29,925
4 COCOYAM 12,000
5 YAM 9,460


6 RICE 512.5






Amansie West District Development Unit (AWDADU) carries out the core objectives of Ministry of Food and Agriculture in the district through the AEA’s.  AWDADU is also assisting in the implementation of other projects below:



Six (6) AEA’s are assisting the project to build local capacity to undertake poverty reduction interventions in the field of agriculture in a sustainable manner. The project covers 30,000 people living in 30 contiguous communities. The AEA’s have motorbikes which is maintained monthly the project. AEAs execute these duties alongside their traditional extension delivery.


5 AEA’s and a DDO are assisting the District Director of Agriculture to implement this project in the district. 24 acre of seed farm has been established by 19 farmers in 12 communities. Improve cassava varieties are made accessible to farmers to help improve their farm productivity.   A total of 2,922 farmers have received 4-bundles of improved cassava planting materials. The UPoCA National Office is supporting the unit with funds to implement the project.



The project is to empower cocoa growing communities to take leadership in meeting their long-term goals and delivering sustainable cocoa production. 14 AEA’s and 5 DDO’s are involved in the project which is being implemented in 18 communities. It is a 10 year project with primary objective of making significant progress in sustainable cocoa supply for 500 communities by 2018.

The number of communities will increase to thirty-five (35) by March 2011.



The main objective the project is to assist cocoa farmers to increase production.

72 farmers in 6 groups were given loan package of Five Hundred Ghana Cedis (GH¢500.00) in the form of inputs such as insecticides, fungicides and fertilizers. The loan package was channeled through Amansie Rural Bank. Six (6) AEA’s provide technical assistance to the beneficiary farmers.

The repayment of the loan by beneficiaries was not very encouraging and as a result the project has stalled since the beginning of 2010.


Amansie West District Agricultural Unit (AWDADU) is assisting Ghana Cocoa Board in the cocoa Hi-Tech Programme. The District Director of Agriculture is the agent for Ghana Cocoa Board in the sale of fertilizers to cocoa farmers. In 2010 the unit sold 20,000 fertilizers to farmers to boost cocoa production and assist in achieving the 1 million metric tonnes target for 2012.



The block farming programme was implemented at Manukrom in the Akyerekyerekrom operation. Twenty-one (21) acres of grain rice “JASMINE” was cultivated by 18 youth. The total cost of inputs supplied to the farmers was Two Thousand Six Hundred and Ninety–Two Ghana Cedis (GH¢2,692.00).  The Farmers will repay the amount without any interest at the end of the harvesting period. The unit plans to expand the courage next year to about 100 Ha (250 Acres)

However, illegal mining activities (“galamsey”) have taken over the site of the 2010 block farm.

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