Finance & Administration


The Directorate of Finance and Administration:

Provides support services to the Ministry and co-ordinates the administrative activities of all National Directorates, Regional and District Agricultural development Units.

Ensures that approved personnel policies of MoFA regarding employment, personal records, training and salary administration are translated into good management practices.

Ensures that value for money is secured for Government procurement

Advises on the planning and organization of National and International Conferences, seminars, workshops and agricultural shows                               

Plans and organizes the World Food Day/Telefood and National Farmers Day celebrations

Plans and schedules payment of fees, subscriptions and rents on UN organizations and national legal demands and requirements.



The Directorate is staffed by main core Civil Servants who are non technical in agricultural matters.

The main duties of the Directorate are as follows:-

  • To safeguard the interest of the Ministry in all financial transactions
  • To provide the installation of an effective and efficient system of internal checks and the practice of proper and accountable administration.
  • To ensure the availability of services and facilities necessary to support the administrative and other functions of the Ministry.
  • Deals with the review of scheme of service, job allocation, performance appraisal, employment, discipline and productivity improvement.
  • Advices the Chief Director and the Political Heads on major issues and suggests solutions to them.
  • Prepares Cabinet Memoranda.
  • Advice cabinet on laws required to regulate agricultural activities in order to protect all stakeholders and the environment.
  • Coordination and harmonization of policies and sector activities with other (MDAs)
  • Facilitation of public-private dialogue and partnerships.
  • Advocacy for sector interests locally and in international agreements.
  • Facilitation of capacity building of sectors human resources
  • Facilitation of research and technological development
  • Facilitation of integration of cross-cutting issues e.g. Gender equality in the sector, land etc.
  • Estate Management
  • Facilitation of international trade in agricultural commodities
  • Provision and facilitation of agricultural service delivery.
  • Coordination of enforcement of sector regulations.
  • Coordination of development partners and their policies and activities with those of the sector.
  • Coordinate all Protocol activities
  • Advice cabinet on laws required to regulate agricultural activities in order to protect all stakeholders and the environment.
  • Coordination and harmonization of policies and sector activities with other (MDAs)

Services and Standards

Information Transparency and Convenience

We promise to maintain the following standards:

Service Time Frame
Provide Information to investors Instantly for simple enquiries or within one day if it is informed on data
Link potential investors to relevant agencies Within two days of request
Pay contractors, consultants and service providers Two weeks after submission of correct claims
Action on correspondences One (1) day for letters demanding simple response or four (4) days if response involves consultation and research

Courtesy and Co-operation we strive for

  • Friendly and courteous front-desk staff ready to assist.
  • Office doors clearly labeled to facilitate identification
  • Upgrade the standards and quality of service delivery to our clients and collaborators.
  • Adopt and transfer new technologies to farmers and upgrade old ones through our front-line directorates.
  • Upgrade quality of our Human resources staff through local and foreign training schemes.
  • Promote and sustain interest in farming through sustained farmer recognition activities such as Farmers’ Day.
  • Promote the use of quality parent stock to achieve high quality yield.
  • Promote Agro forestry to ensure environmental/ecological balance.
  • Provide improved physical environment of the ministry.
  • Equip the PR Unit to function effectively.
  • Liaise with all Directorates for effective flow of information.

What we expect from the Public

  • Seek information from Front Desk Officer or public Relations Unit.
  • All contractors submitting claims should attach relevant documents.(e.g.VAT, TCC,IRS etc)

Other Collaborating Agencies

  • All Technical Directorates of MoFA
  • Universities
  • Non Governmental  Organizations (NGOs)
  • Development partners
  • Ministries, Departments and Agencies
  • Ghana Standards Board
  • Ghana Export Promotion Council
  • Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies

If you have a complaint or comment, submit it to:

The Director,
Finance and Administration
P. O. Box M. 37
Tel. 0302-687201
FAX: 0302-664094

Chief Director
Ministry of Food and Agriculture
P.O. Box  M.37
Tel. 0302-666567

We are located within the Ministries and adjacent to the Ministry of Lands and Forestry.

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