Welcome to Ministry of Food & Agriculture

MoFA's Mission is to promote sustainable agriculture and thriving agribusiness through research and technology development, effective extension and other support services to farmers, processors and traders for improved livelihood. more

National Agricultural Vision

The vision of the Ministry is a modernised agriculture culminating in a structurally transformed economy and evident in food security, employment opportunities and reduced poverty.

Sekyere Afram Plains




The Sekyere Afram Plains District was established in 2008 through Legislative Instrument of 1838.

Presently, the district has staff strength of 21 made up 20 males and 1 female

The district shares common boundaries with Sekyere East and Asante Akim North Districts to the South and Sekyere Central to the West.

Besides sharing boundaries with these Districts in Ashanti, it also shares boundaries with other Districts outside Ashanti Region. They are Kwahu North district in the Eastern Region to the East and the Sene District in the Brong Ahafo Region to the North.

For administrative purposes, the District is divided into two zones; Kumawu and Afram Plains Zones. The Kumawu Zone is accessible whiles the Afram Plains is inaccessible.

Due to inaccessible nature of the Afram Plains zone, when one is accessing the zone from district capital at Kumawu, he either goes through Nkawkaw in the Eastern Region or Atebubu in the Brong Ahafo Region.

Land area

The district covers an estimated land area of 3500.59 sqkm equivalent to 896151.04 ha and has about 106 communities of varying size. (Source district assembly2008)

Fig: Districts administrative map of Sekyere Afram Plains in the Ashanti Region.



The projected population of the district for the year 2008 is 92,857. The population of Kumawu, the district capital is 19,107(District Assembly Profile)

The district is noted for agriculture and for that matter people migrate from all over the country especially the North to settle there. The district is heterogeneous with Akans forming the greater number. The ethnic groups that reside in the district are

Akans , Mamprusis, Kusasis, Komkobas, Sisalas, Dagartis, Voltarians, Moshies, Busangas,Dagombas. Average Household Size-5



The climatic conditions in the district conform to that of middle belt of Ghana. The district has monthly means temperature of 260C even though some part of the District record lower figures. Maximum temperatures are between 290C -300c. The forest is fast degenerating into secondary forest. Information available indicated that Afram Plains Zone was wooded savannah which sheltered the southern part of the Ashanti Region and beyond against the effect of the harmattan. Large scale clearing of watersheds, particularly around Kumawu is likely to be one of the major causes of dwindling rainfall and effect of acute water supply especially during the dry season. (District Assembly Profile)

Relief and Drainage

Scarp divides the district into two. The southern portion of the scarp has undulating characteristic with the highest point around Kumawu. The Northern portion is generally low lying with an average elevation between 100 and 150 meters above sea level.  Notable rivers that drain the district are Afram, Onwam and Bounfum.


Basically, the vegetation consists of the transitional and forest zones. The southern part is covered with semi deciduous forest whilst the Northern part is covered with Guinea Savannah and consists of short deciduous fire resistant trees. The most common timber species are Mahogany,wawa,kyenkyen,nyamedua odum dawadawa among others.


Agro- Ecological Zones

The district has two (2) distinct ecological zones;

  • Semi deciduous forest
  • Transitional


The soil can be grouped into four (4) geological formations from which they have developed;

Granitic, Birimian, voltaian  and alluvium rocks. Soils at the Eastern part of the district are suitable for cultivation of both cash and food crops. Cereal performed well in the transitional section of the district.

The plains are also conducive for rearing of livestock.


Agriculture land use

Agriculture is the dominant work in the districts. As a result, agricultural land is a major resource in the district.  The district is endowed with abundant arable lands which support different types of cash crops such as cocoa, oil palm, citrus cashew,mango and food crops like cassava, plantain, rice, yam, cocoyam, maize, and vegetables.

Total cultivable land is estimated to be 716920.83 hac


Rainfall Pattern

The rainfall pattern is largely characteristic of the semi deciduous forest to transitional zones. The area has bimodal rainfall separated by short dry spell in August. The major season starts from April while the minor starts from September.


Water Supply

Inadequate access to portable water is one of the problems confronting the District. Only 40% of the people have access to portable water.



Major Mineral/Natural Resources

The major natural resources are:

  • Arable land
  • Teak (Tectonal  grandis)
  • Clay deposit
  • Timber
  • Gold (Untapped)

Investment Opportunities

  • Agro-processing
  • Storage facilities
  • Road construction
  • Irrigation facilities
  • Marketing

Tourist Place

River Afram

Bomfobiri Wildlife sanctuary

Boumfum Forest Reserve

Boumfum Water Falls


Kumawuman celebrates Papa festival and their taboo days are kwasidae and  Wukudae.

Financial Institutions

The main financial institution available in the district is the Kumawuman Rural Bank which has its head office at Kumawu and other branches at Bodomase, Dadease,Drobonso,Effiduase and Kumasi.


Status of Agriculture in the District

Features of Agriculture in the district

Farming systems: Food crop production is mainly by mixed cropping. However, in the transitional part of the district mono-cropping is practiced. Shifting cultivation is still practiced with short fallow periods usually less than 5 years. Tree crops such as Cocoa, oil palm, citrus and mango are grown as mono-crops in plantations. However, these plantation crops are inter-cropped with food crops during the early periods of establishment. About 87% of farmers have farm sizes below 1.2ha. Mechanized farming practice is now gaining grounds.

Land Tenure System: Generally, land is passed on to family members through the matrilineal system of inheritance. Allodia rights to land however, are entrusted in the chiefs.

Land is acquired for farming through inheritance, renting and share cropping. The share tenancy agreement usually involves “Abunu”ie 50: 50 usually for tree crops establishment or Abusa ie 662/3 : 331/3 usually for the annual crops. Land is also acquired through leasing.


Types of farm inputs being used

Hoe,cutlass, Fertilizer,pesticides, spraying machines. Tractor is now being patronized


  • Millennium Development Authority (MiDA)
  • Root and Tuber Improvement Marketing Programme (RTIMP)
  • Block farm


Table: Land use (Specific to Agriculture)

Land use Area hac. %
Total land use 338,480 100
Agriculture land area 236,936 70
Area under cultivation 74465.6 22
Total area under irrigation
Area under inland waters 6769.6 2
Forest reserves 6769.6 2
Settlement 10154.4 3
Marginal 3384.8 1

Source:DADU (Estimated Values)


Table : Production Levels of Selected Commodities (Figures In Metric Tonnes)

2008 28697 85 155402 30556 23162 37331
2009 39366 93 170943 33612 28020 39150
2010 42515 95.79 179489 35292 28860 40324.5<;/td>

Source: DADU (Estimated Values)


Table: Area planted to selected crops(Ha)

2008 7550 23 5390 10440 3567 1501 90 520
2009 10800 35 9356 15581 3624 1711 150 600
2010 12050 45 1120 17821 3726 1827 159 682

Source; DADU (Estimated Values)

Table: Cocoa Activities (Ha)

ACTIVITY 2008 2009 2010
Capsid control 12212 13433 14112
Blackpod control 765 842 904
Hitech (fertiliser application) 431 431 456

Source: DADU

Table: Livestock Population

  2008 2009 2010
Cattle 13000 15000 16552
Poultry 25000 28000 29830


Figure 2: Three weeks old maize block farm 2010

Figure 3: Yam mini setts field demostration 2010

chief director

Mr. Paul Siameh

Ag. Chief Director

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