Agricultural Investor Brief


The Ministry of Food and Agriculture has embarked on an ambitious effort to build partnerships with the global investment community. The focus is on se-lect food crops and their value-chains to greatly enhance production systems and food security. The Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) initiative was launched in April 2017. This has resulted in significant surpluses which hold tremendous potential for the country to save and earn foreign exchange. PFJ 2.0 is now channelling investment partnerships to address innovation and value-added production with a focus on domestic, Africa regional and export led growth.

Overall Ghana’s achieved a GDP economic growth rate 5.6% (adjusted) ending in 2018. Ghana is hoping to achieve a growth target of 7.4% this year (source: World Bank 2019). Driven by oil, gas and mining, industry growth hopes to improve with the agricultural sector projected to grow by 7.3% due to the PFJ initiative. To this aim, there are several high value targets that MoFA seeks to extend investment partnerships to significantly enhance its efforts. Unlike ever before these opportunities score how the value-adding investor can be a part of PFJ’s efforts throughout the value and supply chain. MoFA welcomes investors, industrial development specialists, problem solving scientist and equipment suppliers in advancing a partnership under the PFJ program.


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