Speech by Hon. Mavis Hawa Koomson, Minister for Fisheries And Aquaculture Development at the Opening of the Agricultural Fair and Regional Focus

H.E. Vice President of Republic of Ghana, Dr. Alhadji Mamudu Bawemia 

Hon. Colleague Ministers and Deputy Ministers

Omanhene of Oguaa Traditional Area, Nana Osabarima Kwesi Atta II

Directors and Officers from MoFAD, MOFA and COCOBOARD

Esteemed Sponsors

Executives of Fisheries and Farmers Associations

Representatives of Development Partners, Civil Society Groups

Members of the Press 

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen

Good Morning.

  1. I am very happy to participate in the opening ceremony of the Agricultural Fair for the 2021 National Farmers Day Celebration. On behalf of the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development and the Fisheries Commission, I extend our warm greetings to all participants. The MoFAD Team is excited to join collaborating institutions, awardees and participants for the opening ceremony of the 37th National Farmers’ Day Celebration in Cape Coast.
  1. Nana Chairman, the week-long activities for the Agricultural Fair would enable stakeholders within the agriculture and fisheries sectors showcase products pertinent to their respective sectors.
  1. For the fisheries sector, I am aware that demonstrations on culturing of fish species such as tilapia and catfish would be undertaken, inforgraphs on the activities of the sector would be displayed and dedicated fisheries officers would be available to educate the public on fisheries related issues.
  1. Nana Chairman, permit me to acknowledge the effort of the National Planning Committee and MoFAD Planning Committee on preparations for a successful event. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to our esteemed sponsors for their support that had enable the fisheries sector features prominently at the celebrations.
  1. Nana Chairman and Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, our noble fishermen and fish processors have provided fish to feed the nation and earned foreign exchange from exports despite the peculiar challenges of the post COVID-19 era. It is important to note that consultative stakeholder meetings during the year have also focused on ensuring sustainability and building resilient food systems in the fisheries value chain.
  1. Since March 2021, the Ministry has actively engaged stakeholders to take action through reforms to sanitize the sector and support fishers with the view to enhance productivity through the implementation of programmes.
  1. Nana Chairman, I wish to use this platform to assure Ghanaians that the issues related to illegal fishing practices is receiving urgent attention by government through legal and policy reviews to provide the requisite legal framework and strategic direction to improve the state of fisheries and aquaculture.
  1. In addition, we have intensified fisheries enforcement operations including sea and land patrols, deployment of observers on fishing vessels for sea trips and effective operations of the Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) and Automatic Information Systems (AIS). We have also held very fruitful engagements with fishers to promote voluntary compliance.
  1. I wish to assure our esteemed fishers that the Ministry would continue to create the conducive working environment for them to engage in their fishing expeditions and extend the needed infrastructure and technical assistance to support their operations.
  1. Nana Chair, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, the executives of the various fisheries associations have been proactive in responding to operational challenges during the year. Our development partners, civil society organizations, academia and research institutions have contributed in diverse ways towards the development of the sector, of which we are most grateful.
  1. We all look forward to a very fruitful engagements and the grand durbar on Friday 3rd December 2021 where distinguished fishers, fish processors and fisheries officers would be awarded for their hard work and contribution to the performance of the sector.

Thank You For The Attention.

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