Livestock Subsector (CR)



large scale poultry farmers 72
Small  scale farmers 452
Livestock farmers 946
Poultry (commercial) about 175,092
Poultry (local) 92,314
Sheep 115,136
Goats 132,012
Pigs 40,210
Cattle 7,125



Revenue Generation

An amount of GH¢14,326.70 was generated from the following animal health activities;

Vaccine= GH¢3,588.30

Service charge on meat inspection, movement permit, animal treatment= GH¢10,738.40

Animal Health Extension And Livestock Disease Surveillance In 2010

120 Veterinary field officers vaccinated the following number of farm animals against schedule diseases;

  1. Sheep- 3,004
  2. Goats-4,446
  3. Newcastle-232,500 birds
  4. Gumboro-73,000birds
  5. Fowl pox-37,500 birds
  6. Rabies: dogs -2,482
  7. Monkey-1
  8. Cats -351


Meat Inspection


Sheep -2,512

Goats -3,920

Pigs- 20

Movement Permit Granted

Cattle- 128

Sheep- 188

Goats -715

Pigs- 483

Veterinary Clinics and Treatment of Animals by RADU and DADU

17 sets of veterinary drugs purchased and 5,272 animals were treated against endo and ecto-parasites, wounds, dystokia, pathological lesions and other diseases

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