Programmes Projects & Potentials (UE)



Towards attaining the above listed objectives of the Ministry, a number projects have been put in place regional and nationally to realizing these objectives. They include;

Livestock Development Project

Rice Sector Support Project


They include;

Root and Tuber Improvement and Marketing Programme (RTIMP)

National Fertilizer Subsidy Programme

FAO Dry Season Support Programme/Initiative

Northern Rural Growth Programme

Village Mango Programme

Youth in Agriculture Block farms Programme


Tomato: Tomato processing remains the chief bottleneck to increased tomato production in the region partly due to Northern Star Tomato Company Limited (NSTC Ltd) not operational. Currently, proposals are being prepared for possible financial consideration.

Meat Processing: Bolgatanga Meat Factory is currently under divestiture and therefore needs an investment support as has been done to the Pwalugu Tomato Factory now Northern Star Tomato Company Limited.

Vegetable oil: Local industries for vegetable oil extraction such as sheabutter, groundnut, and soybean are on small scale with low capital.

Rice: Rice processing for value addition can contribute to improved storage or shelve life, marketing, incomes and nutrition in the region and the   country as whole. Quality rice processing will revamp the subsector processing centres like Nasia Rice in Tamale, ICOUR in Upper East, Single Mothers Association, Trade Aid Integrated and many other centres, thus reducing the revenue spent on importation. This will consequently lead to a boost in the Block Rice Farms and create employment for the rural population.

Fruit: Watermelon processing for value addition has a potential for increasing incomes of farm families and improving nutritional status in the region and the country as whole.

Tree Crop: Shea nut tree, the cocoa of the region currently is receiving a lot of attention.

Prospects and Potentials of Agricultural Facilities in the Region


Districts Large Scale Dams Small Scale Dams Total No of Dams Area (Hectares)
District Assembles &NGOS LAC 1 LAC II
Bolga 5 4 9 81.35
Bongo 1 8 2 11 939.5
Talensi Nabdam 19 1 1 21 161.7
Bawku Munic. 3 8 6 17 277.8
Bawku West 14 8 4 26 385.1
Garu Tempane 5 4 2 11 523.0
Kassena  N 1 1 5 4 11 2564.5
Builsa 5 6 11 109.7
Total 2 42 44 29 117 5042.65

Number of Irrigated Pumps by Districts in the Upper East Region as at 2008


Districts Pumps Delivered By MOFA Pumps own By Individual Farmers NGOs/Other Organization
TIPCEE Techno serve FBOs District Assembly Total
Bolga 8 57 65
Bongo 13 36 2 51
Talensi/Nabdam 17 75 92
Kassena/Nankana 25 185 2 212
Builsa 15 21 36
Bawku Municipal 16 38 5 3 29 91
Bawku West 17 15 4 5 41
Garu-Tempane 3 5 2 7 17
Regional 114 432 7 9 29 14 605

Increased Used of Water Pumps from 2004 – 2008


DISTRICTS / YEARS 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Bolga 4 7 10 32 65
Bongo 2 5 5 28 51
Talensi/Nabdam 3 3 11 35 92
Bawku Municipal 2 14 15 19 91
Bawku West 3 12 29 34 41
Garu-Tempane 1 4 10 14 17
Kassena/Nankana 4 9 10 59 212
Builsa 1 5 10 16 36
TOTALS 20 59 100 237 605
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