Kintampo North Municipal


Population Size and Growth Rates
Kintampo Municipal has an estimated population of 111,122 comprising 49.1% male and 50.9% female, with a growth rate of 2.6% (2000 population census).. Because of the fertile nature of the land, migrant farmers from the north move to settle on arable lands where they can get enough farm produce consequently the area has a potential of population explosion.

Population Density
The population density for the entire nation is about 79.3 persons per square Kilometre.  That of the Brong Ahafo Region is about 44 persons per square Kilometre.  The Kintampo Municipal however has an estimated population density of 21.75 persons per square kilometre. This implies that there is no pressure on the land and the land is available for farming and other purposes. This notwithstanding, with population growth rate of about 2.6% per annum, sooner or later, the bush fallow system practiced would not be possible, as land per head would reduce. The potentials in crop and livestock farming are not just a district asset but also a great asset to the nation at large and when accorded the necessary attention can enhance district and national development.


Kintampo 17,240 19,431 36,671
Babatokuma 3,823 3,818 7,641
Busuama 1,162 1,205 2,367
Dawadawa No.1 & 2 4,266 4,422 8,688
Gulumpe 10,760 11,154 21,914
Kadelso 4,408 4,570 8,978
Kunsu 5,973 6,191 12,164
New Longoro 2,133 2,211 4,344
Portor 2,042 2,117 4,159
Others 2,060 2,136 4,196
TOTAL 54,561 56,561 111,122

SOURCE: MPCU Projections, Jan. 2010

The population figures given above however include other smaller settlements around these major settlements. Thus, though, from the table Kintampo, Babatorkuma, Gulumpe and Kunsu are of urban status, only Kintampo is urban with the other communities more rural than urban settlements.

Estimated Age/Sex Structure (2010)

Age group SEX
0-14 16,641 30.5 16,120 28.5 32,781 29.5
15-64 34,046 62.4 37,104 65.6 71,118 64.0
65+ 3,874 7.1 3,337 5.9 7,223 6.5
TOTAL 54,561 100 56,561 100 111,122 100

Source: MPCU Computation, 2010

From the table, it can be concluded that the Municipal has a matured population.  This is manifested in the economically active population of 64.0% falling within the age group 15-64.  This implies that the Municipality has the potential to produce more for the dependant group who fall within age groups 0.14 and 65+.

Labour Force
The Labour force (active population) made up of people between the age groups of 15-64 is estimated to be 64%. This is the population that works to earn a living or contribute meaningfully to the Municipal development. The remaining 36.0% (made up of 29.5% children aged 0-14 and 6.5% aged 65+) constitute the dependence load.

Occupational Distribution

Agric 50,565 71.1
Commerce 9,743 13.7
Industry 2,916 4.1
Service 7,894 11.1
TOTAL 71,118 100

Source: MPCU Computation, 2010

Migration here refers to the movement of people to and from Kintampo.  The Municipality is a net receiver of immigrants mainly from the northern part of the country as settler farmers and a sizeable number of Nomadic herdsmen.  They settled along the trunk road that runs through Kintampo to Tamale but others are scattered over the Municipality.
Out-migrant is mainly of the youth who move out for greener pastures especially to Techiman, Kumasi and other towns.

Rural – Urban Split
About 73.1% of the Municipal population lives in the rural areas and 26.9% live in the only urban centre, Kintampo.  The split at the national level is 37.4% Urban and 62.6%% rural.  Brong Ahafo has 32.6% urban and 67.4% rural.  In both cases, the proportion living in urban areas far exceeds that in the KiMA. In Ghana, the worst problems of poverty, disease, illiteracy, ignorance and deprivation are found in the rural areas.  At the same time these areas offer opportunity for rapid economic growth in terms of human and physical resources.
The rural areas abound in vast land and other physical and human resources for development. Initiation of projects and innovation in these areas will help integrate them into the development process and utilize the abundant but currently under-utilized resources.

Settlement System
Kintampo Municipal is one of the agrarian areas in the Brong Ahafo Region and comprises many farming communities with nucleated type of settlements, except in very few cases. The Municipal is sub-divided in to four administrative zonal councils. These are the Kintampo zonal councils, Babatorkuma zonal councils, Kadelso zonal councils and New Longoro zonal councils. These substructures are geographically linked to each other by road and are accessible.

Relief and Drainage
The Kintampo Municipal which falls within the Voltain Basin and the Southern Plateau physiographic regions is a plain with rolling and undulating land surface with a general elevation between 60-150m above sea level.  The southern Voltain plateau occupying the southern part of the Municipal is characterized by series of escarpments.

The Municipal which falls within the Voltain basin is endowed with a lot of water resources.  The major water bodies include the Fra, Urukwain, and the Nyamba rivers.  Others are rivers Oyoko, Pumpum and Tanfi.  These water bodies flow through the west of the Municipal and join the Black Volta at Buipe.  The slopes through which the rivers flow have given rise to water falls.  The major ones include the Fular Falls on the Oyoko River and the Kintampo water falls on the Pumpum River. Most of these rivers are intermittent and the large ones like Urukwain and Pumpum fluctuate in volume.  This makes them unreliable for irrigation purpose.

In terms of relief and drainage, the vast expanse of flat land especially the Northern part makes it suitable for large scale mechanized farming.  Road construction and other activities are also relatively cheap.  The vast water resources in the western part of the Municipal could be harnessed for irrigation purposes especially rice cultivation and dry season gardening as well as domestic supply of potable water.  Fishing which is already an important activity on the Black Volta can be promoted if measures are put in place to ensure sustainable operations by the fishermen.

The rocks underlying the Kintampo Municipal form part of the “Voltain formation” which covers about two – fifths (2/5) of the surface area of Ghana and about 80% of the Municipal land surface.

Rocks belonging to this formation are mainly sedimentary and exhibit horizontal alignments.  Sand stone, shale, mudstone and limestone are the principal examples of these rocks.  Oral reports revealed that the Voltain formation was created soon after the Precambrian era when sagging of land occurred resulting in scarp slopes due to different levels of sagging.

Soils in the Municipal belong to two main groups; the ground water lateral soils which cover nearly 3/5 of the Municipal in particular and the interior wooded savannah zone in general.  The other soil group, covering the rest of the 2/5 of the Municipal is the savannah ochrosols occurring in the south and south-western parts of the Municipal.  These soils are formed mainly over Voltain shale and granites.

The ground water lateral soils are generally poor in organic matter and in nutrients.  However the savannah ochrosols are more supplied with organic matter and nutrients.  Generally, these soils are good for the cultivation of tubers, cereals, tobacco, vegetable and legumes. Cashew and cotton production has been on a large scale in the district.

The Municipality experiences the Tropical Continental or interior Savannah type of climate, which is a modified form of the tropical continental or the Wet-semi equatorial type of climate.  This is due largely to the fact that the Municipal is in the transitional Zone between the two major climatic regions in Ghana.  The mean annual rainfall is between 1,400mm-1,800mm and occurs in two seasons; from May to July and from September to October with the minor season (May – July) sometimes being obscured.  However, because of the transitional nature of the area, the distinction between the two peaks is often not so marked.

The mean monthly temperature ranging from 30°c in March to 24°c in August with mean annual temperatures between 26.5°c and 27.2°c.  These conditions give rise to sunny conditions for most parts of the year. Relative humidity are light varying from 90%-95% in the rainy season to 75% – 80% in the dry season.  The climate of the Municipality has the tendency to change and be inclined more to the drier tropical continental conditions or to the wet semi-equatorial conditions.

Major Food Crops
The Kintampo Municipal economy can be described as purely agrarian. Almost every resident in the area is a farmer.  About 71.1% of the population is engaged in agriculture and its related activities as their main economic activity. Agriculture being the major economic activity constitutes the main source of household income in the area.

The major food crops produced in the area are Yam, Maize, Cowpea, Cassava, Rice, Plantain, Egushie, Groundnut and Beans. Other crops in the municipality include cashew, mango, Tomatoes, Onions, Water Mellon, Garden eggs, Soya beans and Sorghum with huge potentials to increase the incomes of farmers.

Cultivated Area, Yield per Unit Area and Production of some Major Crops – 2010.

Area Cropped (Ha) 25,840 40 150 4,540 8,270 230 40 1,800 910
Yield (Mt/Ha) 2.30 1.88 1.00 18.00 20.09 5.64 7.05 1.30 1.25
Production (Mt) 59,432 75 150 81,720 166,144 1,297   2,340 1,138

Source: MADU- SRID Report

Livestock Production
The livestock industry is vibrant in the municipality. The major livestock enterprises are cattle, sheep and goats and local poultry. Livestock population in the municipality as at 2009 ending is as follows:

Cattle population

Bulls Young




cows Heifers Heifers




Zebu Wash Sanga Total
760 758 326 10,257 2,932 1,618 1,460 9,585 3,627 4,899 18,111

Source: MADU Livestock Census Report

Population of swine and local poultry








Layers Broil








Ducks Turk


1,001 686 104 2495 200 1943 30,047 8,039 1,262 169 459

Source: MADU Livestock Census Report

Population of small ruminants

SHEEP GOATS Small Ruminants
Djallonke Sahelian Cross


Total West



Sahelian Cross




4797 975 1,902 7,675 8,402 365 899 9,666 17341

Source: MADU Livestock Census Report

Livestock Development Project (LDP) – Under the LDP,    1,200 sheep have been distributed to 120 farmers comprising of 104 male and 16 females during the period of the project. Farmers are also provided

Fertiliser Subsidy Programme

Government fertiliser subsidy (2009)

  Type Fertiliser Total
15 -15 -15 23- 10-05 S. Ammonia Urea


5,400 4,150 4,650 3,250 17,450


Special Projects

Project Commencement


Ending Year
Root & Tuber Improvement &

Marketing Programme (RTIMP)

Cashew Development Project (CDP) 2003 2010
Livestock Development Project (LDP) 2003 2010
Northern Rural Growth  Programme (NRGP) 2009 Ongoing

Source: MADU Report

•    The district enjoyed a fairly favorable agro-climatic conditions for both crop and livestock production.

•    The district enjoys a bimodal rainfall pattern.

•    Fertile soil coupled with farmers’ willingness to learn appropriate technologies from field Officers.

•    Well developed programmes and projects including cashew development project, (CDP), root and tuber  improvement and market programme (RTIMP), livestock development project (LDP), northern rural growth programme (NRGP)  among others.

•    There was no reported case of food deficit in the district. In other words there was movement of food commodities from the district to major marketing centers and to Techiman in particular.

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