




Size Of Distric ; 1507 sq. km (Approx. 580 sq miles)

Location : Latitude 6°34°N and 6°10°N;                                                              Longitude 0°1°W and 0°14°E


Population : 74,124 (2000 Population Census)


Population By Gender : Males    – 52.1%

Females- 47.9%

Population Destiny : 53 per sq. km


Growth Rate : 1.7 %


Rural-Uban Split Of Population: Rural – 35%    Urban – 65%


Relief Undulating Topography

Soil Type : Savannah Greisols and Aluviosols


Main River : Volta Lake (Largest man-made lake in the world)


Vegetation : Forest, Savannah woodland and regrowth.

Agricultural Land Use


Total Land Area : 1507sq km

Total Cultivable Land Area: 633sq km

Per Capita Land Area : 2.03ha

Per Capita Cultivable Land Area : 0.85ha

Agric Land Availability Coefficient : 0.42

Agricultural Output


A. Crop Sector


Principal Agricultural Produce


Tree Crop : Mango

Industrial Crops :          Cocoa, Oil palm

RootAndTubers:   Yam,Cassava,Cocoyam




Average household size5

Average farm size: 2.5 acres



Men normally do the general manual work on the farms such as weeding, stumping and arduous tasks, whilst most women are concerned about harvesting, gathering and sorting of agricultural produce.


Agriculture is predominantly on small holder basis in the District. About 90% of the farm holdings are less than 3 acres (1.2 ha) although there are some large farms and plantations particularly for mango and banana. The main system of farming is traditional slash and burn, with the hoe and cutlass as the main farming tools.



There are four (4) prominent types of farming activities in the district: food cropping, cash cropping, livestock farming and fishing.



Seventy-eight per cent (78%) of the farming population is engaged in crop production. The major crops are maize, cassava, vegetables and yam. A large number of these farmers have small holdings.

The main farming areas are Tortibo, Domeabra, Mpakadan, Frankadua, Gyakiti, Ankyease, South-Senchi and Survey line, Yeniama, Sapor.

The table below shows the major crops grown and the major production areas in the district.


Crops Major Areas of Production
Maize Frankadua, Asikuma, Mpakadan, Yeniama, Sarpor
Cassava Apegusu, Mpakadan, Frankadua, South –Senchi, Yeniama, Sarpor
Yam Frankadua, Fintey, Apenkwa, Adjena,
Plantain Nnudu, Aboasa, Sarpor, Yeniama.
Pepper Mpakadan, Old Akrade, South – Senchi
Cocoa Nnudu, Aboasa, Apegusu, Opokuase – Anum
Oil Palm Aboasa, Nnudu, Tortibo, Frankadua, Sarpor, Apegusu, Asikuma

Source: MOFA, Asuogyaman




Areas planted to the major crops from 2004 to 2010 are shown in the table below.



Crops 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Maize 8,300 10,416 8,078 8,988 8,757 8,815 8,594
Cassava 13,450 11,638 7,465 10,976 11,057 12,289 11,075
Yam 860 661 278 896 724 932 825
Cocoyam 560 535 450
Plantain 940 1,565 1,643 1,453 1,071 1,433

Source: MOFA, Asuogyaman

Cassava is a major produce of the district. From 2004 to 2010, production of this commodity averaged 162,845tons. For the same period, maize production averaged 14,656tons.


Crops 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Maize 14,110 22,186 10,219 14,201 14,011 13,663 12,902
Cassava 162,745 227,290 109,474 158,384 147,058 159,511 151,494
Yam 15,050 7,767 3,889 15,232 12,453 14,539 13,629
Cocoyam 4,368 4,120 3,465
Plantain 8,394 13,631 16,069 13,949 9,543 13,305

Source: MOFA, Asuogyaman

Crop yields recorded in the district as compared to the achievable indicate that higher yields can be achieved through more effective extension services and use of recommended technologies.



Crops Yield (Rainfed)

(Metric Tones / Hectare)

Achievable Yield

(Metric Tones / Hectare)

Maize 2.13 5.00
Cassava 19.00 28.00
Yam 17.54 20.00
Cocoyam 7.80 8.00
Plantain 8.93 10.00

Source: MOFA, Asuogyaman; MOFA SRID.



Cocoa and oil palm are the major cash crops grown on small plantations. Of late, mango production is gaining currency.



Crops Average Farm Size
  1. Maize
2 acres
  1. Cassava
2 acres
  1. Yam
3 acres
  1. Plantain
1 acre
  1. Cocoyam
1 acre
  1. Citrus
5 acres
  1. Cocoa
3 acres
  1. Mango
5 acres
  1. Pepper
2 acres
  1. Okro
1 acre
  1. Water Melon
1 acre

Source: MOFA, Asuogyaman



Maize                          –             14,050

Cassava                       –            12,672

Yam                            –              2,175

Plantain                       –              1,338

Pepper                         –              2,113




The main types of livestock reared in the district are cattle, goats, sheep, pigs and poultry. Most of the livestock farming that goes on in the district is on subsistence levels.








1999 2,014 6,008 8,091 2,203 32,324
2000 2,100 5,200 7,800 2,041 36,222
2001 2,503 5,450 7,921 2,008 36,142
2002 2,210 6,100 8,210 1,981 39,021
2003 2,423 6,341 8,306 1,720 38,430
2004 2,752 6,446 8,500 1,600 39,741
2005 2,862 6,502 8,729 1,465 39,023
2006 2,901 6,622 8,993 1,233 28,825
2007 2.992 6.843 9,355 1,099 29,913
2008 2,286 6,733 9,531 1,622 31,669
2009 2,377 7,289 10,103 1740 41,779
% change 2008/2009 4.0 8.2 6.0 7.3 31.9

Source: MOFA, Asuogyaman



There are two slaughter houses that cater for the meat requirements of the district.

  • V.R.A. slaughter house
  • Atimpoku slaughter house

Average Number of Animals Slaughtered in a Month

Name of Slaughter House Food Animals Av. No. Slaughtered / Month
VRA Cattle 50
Sheep 20
Goats 25
Atimpoku Cattle 15
Sheep 6
Goats 8

Source: MOFA, Asuogyaman


Fishing in the Volta Lake which contributes as an important segment of the agricultural sector is done in some communities along the 141km shore line, including parts of the Kpong head waters. These communities include Dzidzorkope, Atimpoku, Akosombo, Survey Line, Small London, South- Senchi, and Dodi Asantekrom, Kudi Kope, Sedom.



Total fish caught on the lake as at the first quarter of 2007 amounted to 434 tons.

Below are the species of fish caught and their corresponding local names.

Fishes Caught and Their Local Names

Species Local Name
Tilapia Akpa
Chrysichthys Blolo
Bagrus Yalefo
Synodontis Tsetse
Hydrocynus Ankow
Sierrathirssa “One mouth thousand”
Distichodus Agbasra
Volta Perch Akobi

Source: MOFA, Asuogyaman


West African Fish Ltd at Asikuma and Tropo Farms at Mpakadan are practicing fish cage culture on large scale using barrels and other local materials. There are many other small holder fish cage farms dotted along both banks of the Volta Lake within district.

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