Nanumba North



The District is located in the eastern corridor of the Northern Region of Ghana and shares political boundaries with Yendi Municipal to the North, Zabzugu-Tatale District to the east and East- Gonja District to the west and Nanumba South District to the South. Geographically, the district is located between latitude 8.5 and 9.25 N and longitude 0.57 E and 0.5 W.

The district covers an area of 1,986 sq. km


The land is generally flat. Two main rivers and numerous streams drain the district: About 145km of the length of the Dakar lies in the district and forms the western boundary with East Gonja District. The Oti on the other hand meanders from the north of the district north- south across the eastern part of the district along a stretch of about 85km.other notable Rivers include the Kumar and Kumbo rivers and their tributaries



The soils are the savannah ochrosols Savannah Glysols and the ground water laterite. Which are heavy and dark colored, medium size textured, moderately drained soils suitable for a wide range crops.


The District lies in the tropical continental climatic zone characterized by high temperature throughout the year. Temperatures range from 29oc to 41oc just like any other place in West Africa. Average annual rainfall is about 1,268 mm. Rainfall is between April and October, with the peak of it in September. The district experiences a long dry period between November and March.



The vegetation of the District is the Guinea savannahtype with tall grass            interspersed with draught and fire resistant trees such as Shea nut  Dawadawa Baobab and kapok tree are found in the district.

Vegetation zone Area ( sq. km) %
0 0
0 0
260 15
0 0
1,474 85
0 0
Total area 1,734.59 100


The district presently has 231 house hold latrine, 17 public toilets and 7 refuse containers in most of the rural communities

65 schools have places of convenience (kvip and urinal)



Currently the district has only one (1) pipe system serving Bimbilla and Dangbenayili, about 239 functional boreholes, 3hand-dug wells which dry up in the dry season. 20 dam/ dugouts and streams





The district has a population of about 88,910 consisting 49.4% males (44,099) 50.6% females (44,811)


Total 75,573  –  65% males (57,791),

–  20% females (17,782)

Crops achievements

Crop 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Maize 4,500 8900 8700 8200 8500 9000 9000 12,608 12,024 3’950 21,123.0
Rice 600 912 850 50 1115 934 934 48.29 82,07 620 868
Millet 200 300 250 2650 2350 2430 2436 1,206.14 842 ,890 7,043.3
Sorghum 1500 200 300 2800 3850 3945 3995 3,581.05 4,170 730 3,616.0
Yam 800 10000 14500 15200 14600 15645 15645 5,679.46 12,690 8 398 18,308.0
Cassava 3600 360 61000 5200 5250 5342 5342 13,164.94 12,291 840 16,783.0
Groundnuts 340 3900 500 6000 6000 750 0 7500 16,552.67 17,612 928 20,900.0
Soy beans 1400 2000 3500 4200 4200 740 740 524.35 385 832 5,830.0
Cowpeas 750 1020 4000 1500 2980 980 980 413.45 515 ,058 5,225.0



Type of livestock 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Cattle 12,466 14,478 18,661 19,121 12,485 13,175 13,263 13,926 14,589 15915 16,188
Sheep 7,930 9,819 9,672 11,761 9,366 7,657 8,143 9364 9832 10815 10,585
Goats 8,889 10,790 9,179 8,778 13,005 10,497 10,959 12054 13150 14246 14,465
Local fowls 20,455 21,145 27,416 32,120 36,481 24,089 23,758       56,321
Turkeys 99 121 130 204 69 194 146 277 360 396 438
Ducks 325 368 450 493 2,739 3,440 2,184 3931 4127 4168 4,368
Pigs 1,231 1,258 1,372 184 945 847 4,190 4231 4609 4818 5,028
Guinea fowls 4,784 4,859 5,747 5,090 7,774 8,068 9,947       32,089

Project Name –Roots and tuber improvement and marketing programme  (RTIMP)

Main Activities –Establishment of secondary multiplication sites

Achievements – Established 3 farmer field fora on yam, distributed  improved Cassava planting material to tertiary farmer (ongoing)

Project duration; Start: 2006 – End: 2012

Programme Name – Northern rural growth programme   (NRGP)


Registration of farmer groups for NRGP,

Development of district value chain working committee

Supported 8 farmer groups under the block farm program,

13 groups to be supported by Bimbilla co-operative credit union in 2012 farming season

Project duration: Start 2009 – End 2015

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