The Adaklu Anyigbe Administrative District with its capital at Kpetoe is one of the newly created districts in the Volt Region. The district initially formed part of the Ho District but was carved out of Ho Municipal in 2005.
Location and Size of Adaklu Anyigbe District
It lies between latitude 60 161 and 60 371 North of the Equator and longitude 00 241 and 00 501 East of the Greenwich Meridian. The district is bounded on the East by the Republic of Togo, on the South by the Akatsi and North Tongu District and on the West and North by the Ho Municipal. The district occupies a total land area of about 1,060.61 square kilometers.
Topography and Drainage
The district is characterized by lowland gentle to nearly flat areas except the Adaklu scarp which rises to the height of 305 metres above sea level. The general drainage system of the district is dominated by Rivers such as Tordze, Awator, Waya, Todzoko, Dawa, Kalakpa, and other streams like Kpoduekpodue, Anfoe and Kpetoe. Other rivers include Kplikpa, Fortihlui Dzokple at Ziope, Tsilale at Kpetoe and Wlowlo at Afegame. The rivers do not provide all year round dependable source of water supply to the communities they serve but some of them get dried in the dry season The low-lying lands are prone to seasonal flooding and has the potentials for rice cultivation. There are some small dams and dugouts in most communities with water for domestic use and for watering of livestock. Out of the total land area, water bodies such as River Todzi, Awator and other streams and reservoirs cover less than 1% surface of area.
Geology and Soil
There are 2 major groups:-
A. Forest ochrosolls, lithosolls and intergrades found in the Adaklu Mountains and Kodzobi area of the district.
B. Sandy loam soils are found on most lands. Lands bordering North Tongu and Akatsi are sandy loam in nature. The soils support perennial crops such as oil palm and mangoes. In general all soils are suitable for crop farming (vegetables, cereals, fruits and perennial crops)
The District is underlain by three main geological formations namely the Dahomenyan formation to the North made up of soils such as Tropical Grey and Black Earths, the Regosolic Groundwater Laterites, the Recent Deposits of the littoral consisting of marine sands and the Tertiary formation comprising Savannah Ochrosols for its soil type. These soil types are suitable for the cultivation of different types of crops.
Mean monthly temperatures in the district range between 220C and 320C Temperatures are generally high throughout the year. However, average temperatures during the dry season are so high that food crop cultivation is reduced to the barest minimum.
The rainfall pattern is bimodal. The major season is from March to June and minor season is from August to November. A dry season period is experienced between December to February which normally records the lowest rainfall. During this period, agricultural activities are limited to the very low lands with good soils. The mean annual rainfall of the district is about 1250mm with the highest occurring in June while the lowest in December. The amount of rainfall promotes good agricultural performance in the district. There is enough fodder for livestock grazing throughout the year.
The District experiences the dry Equatorial type of climate. The average monthly temperatures vary between 24℃ and 30℃, which are generally high for plant growth throughout the year. The mean annual rainfall for the District is 850mm at the coast increasing to 1,000mm inland. The rainfall is of double maxima type occurring from April to July and September to October. The dry season, which is dominated by the dry harmattan winds, extends from December to February. Generally, rainfall in the District is considered low and erratic particularly along the coastal strip between Agbozume and Aflao during the minor season.
The extensive felling of trees for charcoal production has reduced the natural vegetation of transitional forest to savannah woodland. However, few areas, mostly Adaklu and the river banks of Tordze, Kalakpa and Awator have semi-deciduous forest. The vegetation is characterized by short and tall grasses and scattered thickets with few forest and savannah species such as thorny shrubs.
The several tree species provide for domestic fuel wood and extensive strand of Borassus aethiopiacum palm for economic use. The degradation of vegetation through bush fire and charcoal burning (which are man made) had adversely affected rainfall and destroyed grasses and shrubs for livestock. The perennial bush-fire problem and charcoal burning problem in the district need to be addressed as it affects soil fauna and flora and reduces the productivity of the land.
Environmental Situation
The environment has suffered greatly from prolonged degradation through human activities resulting into extinct of some fauna and flora populations.
Condition of Natural Environment
The land suffers from many human activities thereby exposing it to environmental degradation. The land suffers from many human activities, which degrade the environment.
These activities include the following:
Deforestation: Degradation related problems are the result of consumption patterns that encourage over exploitation of primary resources through the use of non-sustainable and most often inappropriate technologies. Consumption patterns which emanate from the desire for survival have led to serious impoverishment of the environment either in the form of degradation of virgin and transitional forest for purposes ranging from primitive farming practices, through usage as domestic fuel, felling for fuel wood to over hunting of wild games.
Interventions: There are different afforestation programmes put in place throughout the district to arrest the deforestation problem. There are woodlot establishments and alley cropping systems put in many of the areas to arrest to an extent the level of degradation.
Soil Erosion: The frequent rituals of bush fires that characterized the district have made many of the soils prone to soil erosion. This problem has been compounded by over-grazing and compaction of the soil by cattle belonging to the Fulani cattle herdsmen who usually pass through unapproved routes into the district.
Interventions: Drains are usually constructed to drive away excess water. Crops are planted across slopes, cover cropping and seeding of some grazing lands with fodder grasses
Soil Fertility Loss: Soil fertility loss is largely due to frequent bush fire and unsustainable methods of farming over the years. The trend is now being reversed through the increasing use of organic manure especially in areas that abound in livestock production
Interventions: The use of organic manure, cover crops, alley cropping, compost.
Condition of Built Environment
The built environment also faces the major development challenges such as poor drainage system, haphazard buildings and poor environmental sanitation. Developments of physical structures are hazardous because of inadequate plan layouts to guide construction particularly in the urban centres and adherence to plan layouts In relation to the built up environment, the main problem is with waste management. In this regard, two areas have been identified to be of interest to the environmental situation in the district. These are Liquid waste and solid waste management.
Water Supply
The major sources of water in the District are wells, pipe borne in the district capital, bore hole, rain water, streams and rivers. The rural communities depend on rainwater, wells and streams. The Volta Region Community Water and Sanitation Program had constructed over 40 boreholes which are serving some rural communities.
The population is about 59,000 and the inhabitants are made up of 80% ewes, 15% Ga-Dangbes, 3% of Northerners and 2% Akans. Adaklu Anyigbe District continues to grow at the rate of 1.17 percent annually. They are composed of three traditional areas namely the Adaklus, the Agomtimes and Ziopes. On gender basis, 54.2% female and 45.8% male constitute the population. The most densely populated areas are Kpetoe, Ziope, Adaklu Abuadi, Waya, Adaklu Ahunda, Helekpe, Torda and Akpokope. The average household size is about 4.8 people in the larger settlements such as Kpetoe, Ziope, Adaklu Waya, Torda and Ahunda.
Age and Sex Distribution of the Population
The population is about 59,000 and the inhabitants are made up of 80% ewes, 15% Ga-Dangbes, 3% of Northerners and 2% Akans. Adaklu Anyigbe District continues to grow at the rate of 1.17 percent annually. They are composed of three traditional areas namely the Adaklus, the Agomtimes and Ziopes. On gender basis, 54.2% female and 45.8% male constitute the population. The most densely populated areas are Kpetoe, Ziope, Adaklu Abuadi, Waya, Adaklu Ahunda, Helekpe, Torda and Akpokope. The average household size is about 4.8 people in the larger settlements such as Kpetoe, Ziope, Adaklu Waya, Torda and Ahunda.
Labour Force
People within the ages of 18 and 64 years make up the District labour force. According to the 2010 population and housing census, 52.3 percent of the population falls within this age cohort.
The district is an important producer of food crops, livestock and fish in the region and as a result a number of market settlements have developed where vigorous trading takes place. These markets offer producers locations to meet buyers and also give them opportunity to buy agricultural inputs.
Traditional Political System Kinship ties are patrilineal. The district has about 120 towns and 11 electoral areas. Each of the traditional areas has established paramouncy with sub-chiefs of the communities under their jurisdiction. Clan chiefs and family elders from within support the village chiefs. The district assembly is made up of the administration head, the District Chief Executive, 14 assembly members from electoral areas (10 elected and 4 governments appointed) and 3 area councils at Kpetoe, Ziope, Adaklu Tsrefe. There is one Member of Parliament from the district. The district is predominantly a faming area and more than 85% of the population is in active farming business.
Ethnicity and Religion: The major ethnic groups are Ewe and Ga-adangbes. Ga-adangbe is spoken at Agortime Afegame and Kpetoe. The district is predominantly dominated by Christians (70%) belonging to many Churches both Orthodox and Protestants whilst the other religions like Muslims and Traditionalists constitute the remaining 30% of the population.
Ethnic Composition
Ewes | 42,280 | 80 |
Ga-Adangbes | 7,928 | 15 |
Akans | 1,057 | 2 |
Northern Ghanaians | 1,585 | 3 |
52,850 | 100 |
Source: 2000 Population and Housing Census
Religious Composition of the District
Christians | 36,995 | 70 |
Muslims | 5,814 | 11 |
Traditionalists | 10,041 | 19 |
Source: 2000 Population and Housing Census
As part of the culture of the people many traditional festivals are celebrated annually to remember the ancestors, as means of fund raising and fostering unity among the people in the district. The main festival celebrated by the people of Agortime is the Kente Festival locally called “Agbemevorza”
The most essential economic sector in the district is agriculture, employing about 70% of the labour force. Agricultural production in the district is characterized by crop and animal production. In the animal sector some farmers own cattle ranging from 10 to 30 herds per farmer while some own about 50 to 100 or more per person in the Adaklu communities. Small ruminants (sheep and goats) are abundant throughout the whole district with greater concentration in the Adaklu communities. Local poultry is reared on free range system and ranges between 10 and 40 per household. There are few commercial poultry farmers and they deal in the production of eggs, broilers and cockerels
Crop Sub-Sector
In the crop sub-sector, all major food crops and tree drops are produced. Major crops produced include maize, cassava, sweet potatoes, yam, cowpea, groundnuts exotic and local vegetables for example tomato pepper, garden eggs, okro, and the melons. Which are produced in large quantities. Maize and cassava are the main staples and therefore grown by majority of farmers across the district. These crops are grown as mono crops with concentration of maize production in the Ziope Traditional area. Cassava production is concentrated in the areas around Kpeleho, Torda, Kpodzi Aziadukope, Ahunda, Adaklu and Keyime areas. The cassava is usually processed into gari to feed the local and Mafi Kumasi markets.
Vegetable Production
The district is noted for the production of tomatoes, garden eggs, okro and water melons. Large hectares of land are put seasonally under the cultivation of tomatoes in the Ziope and Akpokope areas of the district. A season of tomatoes harvesting attracts traders from Kumasi, Accra and other major towns. About 300 trucks full of tomato crates leave the area every 5 days. Pepper is also produced in the Aziedukope and Ahlihave areas and usually sent to the local market at Mafi-Kumasi on market days.and to the regional and national capitals . Okro, exotic vegetables such as sweet pepper are also produced at Sofa, Waya and Adaklu scarp areas.
There is the use of organic fertilizers (poultry manure and cow dung) in addition to the use of inorganic fertilizers plant growth regulators. . Pests and diseases control are mainly by use of inorganic pesticides with some few using organic methods.
Major Food Crop Production Areas
No | Crop | Major Production Areas | Potential Production Areas |
1. | Maize | Waya, Ziope, Keyime, Akpokope, Aziedukope, Sofa, Kpeleho, Avedzi, Hlihave, Kalakpa, | Kalakpa, Keyime, Akpokofe Sofa, Ziope Kodzobi, helekpe, Wumenu |
2. | Groundnut | Anfoe, Akwete, Waya, Wumenu, Kpogadzi, Kpetoe | Anfoe, Akwete, Waya, Wumenu |
3. | Yam | Kpetoe, Wumenu, Akwete, Amuzudevi, Blidokofe, Anfoe | Afegame, Kpeleho, Ahunda, Torda |
4. | Cassava | Torda, Sofa, Ahunda, Ablonu, Akwete, Kpetoe, Aziedukope, Hlihave | Helekpe, Kpetsu |
5. | Tomatoes | Ziope, Akpokope, Kpetoe, Abuadi | Torda, Sofa, Ahunda, Ablornu |
6 | Okro | Abuadi, Tsrefe, Sofa, Ziope, Helekpe | Wumenu, Keyime, |
7 | Pepper | Ziope, Akpokofe, Sarakofe, Aziedukofe, Hlihave, Kpetoe Abuadi, | Keyime, Ahunda |
8 | Garden egg | Ziope Akpokofe, Kpetoe, Sarakofe Helekpe, | Akwete, Waya Wumenu |
9 | Mango | Wumenu, Akwete, Kalakpa | Ziope Keyime |
Plantation Crops
The good soil types coupled with moderate rainfall in the district especially the eastern end gives the comparative advantage in production of fruit tree crop such as mango and cashew.
Coconut farms are uncommon but farmers grow coconut as backyard around their dwelling places. The concentration the district is at Ziope and its environs. The Ziope and Torda areas have a great potential for the production of coconut. The soil types and climate are ideal for production and investors are encouraged to site coconut projects at Ziope. Besides Ziope small patches of coconut grooves are scattered all over the district. They are harvested fresh or dry and sold in the local and Ho markets.
Oil Palm Plantation Development
Oil palm production in the district is on the increase and well distributed due to the soil types and other climatic conditions. At Wumenu, Wayanu and Kpogadzi private developers have established between 1- 10 hectares of oil palm on their lands. Oil palm plantations are also concentrated at Keyime, Torda, Kpodzi and Waya areas. As at now farmers depend on Jasikan Central nursery for the supply of oil palm seedlings. This is possible because of the co-ordination between DADU of Adaklu Anyigbe and Jasikan. It is hoped that a central oil palm nursery at Waya will be of help to oil palm farmers and any investor into the district.
Mango and Pineapple Production
The ecology and the climatic conditions of the district has a very great potential for mango production. The local market and the factories at Tema , Lome and the numerous hotel facilities in the district and the surrounding districts form a good market for this crop.
Pineapple production is being stepped up in the Helekpe operational area. Reddecop Ministries, a Canadian NGO resident in the area has put many hectares under pineapple production. Plans are afoot to assist local farmers to increase their production in pineapple crops to raise their standard of living. Other tree crops such pawpaw, citrus and guava are being cultivatedound in small quantities in the eastern end.
Area under cultivation, yield totals and production of some major food crop in 2009.
1 | Maize | 1,000 ha | 1.8 | 1,800 |
2 | Cassava | 800 ha | 20 | 16,000 |
3 | Yam | 500 | 13 | 8,000 |
4 | Groundnut | 400 | 0.9 | 360.0 |
5 | Tomatoes | 1,000 | 35 | 35,000 |
Industrial Crops
Tomatoes serves as a potential crop for industrial development provided there could be an all year round production approach. This could be achieved through establishment of dug-outs for the cultivation of tomatoes to take place even in the dry season. Upland rice cultivation also has great potentials in the Adaklu Anyigbe District. Thousands of acres of land which are low lying exist for investment into commercial rice production.
The district has great potential for honey production and grasscutter production.
Scale Of Production
The majority of farmers in the District are small-holders with about 75% of them using simple tools for cultivating their farms. About 65% of the farmers depend on family labour while about 35% undertake zero tillage practice (i.e. planting without soil tillage through the use of herbicides to kill the weeds) in land preparation or use weedicides for farm weed control Many farmers are now turning to the use of agro-chemicals in land preparation and weed control in crops.
The livestock sector plays an important role in the lives of the people as the district is endowed with large livestock populations of cattle, sheep goats, pigs and poultry. Out of the 1200 square kilometers of agricultural land available in the district about 30% of the land area is used by livestock farmers as pasture for animals High concentrations of these are found in the Adaklu communities.
Cattle rearing abounds in the district. Some farmers own cattle ranging from 10 -30 herds per farmer on the average while some own from 50 – 800 or more especially in the Adaklu communities. There is a free range system of animal husbandry. The breeds usually that abound in the district include West African Short Horn, Sokoto Gudali and some diary breeds. Dairy milk collection is very limited whilst meat sold by butchers is unprocessed. Any investor in the livestock industry especially in the cattle industry will be in good business as far as the husbandry and processing are concerned.
Sheep and Goats: Most small ruminants are kept on free-range. The average herd of small ruminants per household is about eight (8) while some households can boast of 40 to 60 animals.
Pigs: Exotic and local pigs can also be located within some specific communities in the district. The local breeds are largely kept on free-range while the exotic breeds are kept intensively.
Livestock Figures
Cattle | 25500 | All over the district |
Sheep | 12,021 | All over the district |
Goats | 18,750 | All over the district |
Poultry (Local) | 60,865 | Local breeds all over the district |
Poultry (Exotic breeds) | 2,550 | Kpetoe Kodzobi, Akpokofe, Ando |
Pigs (Local breeds) | 500 | Aziedukofe, Ziope, |
Pigs (Exotic) | 200 | Batume Junction, Kpogadzi, Hlihave, Kakadedzi |
Source: Estimates based on Year 2009 MRCLS
Genetic Potential:
The present livestock populations have a limited genetic potential due to lack of planned selection and or breeding programmes over the years. Even under ideal nutritional and management regimes the production potential can be exploited only up to the genetic ceiling. To increase production beyond this limit improvement in the germplasm is essentially required. For this purpose, breeding programme geared at improving the indigenous germplasm as well as introduction of exotic superior germplasm need to be undertaken, backed by good nutrition regime, adequate feed resources (quality fodder crop production) and animal health care delivery interventions.
Poultry farming offers the best prospects for rapid increase in the production of high quantity protein in the form of eggs and meat in the district. Commercial Poultry Farming has some very attractive features:-
(a) The broiler crop in ready to harvest within a short span of 6 – 8 weeks.
(b) Layers start egg laying at the age of 20-22 weeks.
Poultry farming is with the each of the entrepreneur and he farmer and therefore offers a good employment opportunity for the youth and other investors with limited financial resources.
Systems of Poultry Production In The District
Presently poultry farming is in operation under two distinct systems of production in the district.
(a) Small scale rural poultry farming using indigenous system of production. This systems is practiced all over the district.
(b) Large to medium scale commercial poultry farming using he intensive system of production.
Commercial poultry production is a new enterprise in the district which needs a boost. It is currently a competitive business that is relatively free from government price and marketing restrictions.
The following are the commercial Poultry farms in the district, what they produce and their capacities as at May 1, 2009
Improvement in Rural Poultry
• Rural poultry farming in the district consists of rural household poultry flocks that are primarily scavengers and consumers of household waste foods. Most are the native breed that would produce about 50 eggs per year and reach an average body weight of about one kilogram in 5 – 6 months. These birds are hardy and disease resistant.
• A great improvement is possible in rural poultry farming under the indigenous system if the rural poultry farmer particularly if the women could be educated through trained extension workers to adopt improved technologies in husbandry and management as outlined below.
1. Cross breeding programme using improved birds having higher potential for growth and egg production. This can be achieved in a short time by introducing suitable new improved breeds of chicken having the desirable qualities or production and adaptability to the environment. As an example improved cockerels or pullets produced by the hatcheries in the country are very well adapted to our local conditions, have good disease resistance and when crossed with the indigenous breed, the offspring can produce about three times more eggs per year than the indigenous birds.
2. Improving the nutritional status of the bird by supply good quality feed including locally available crushed grains, some protein supplement, vitamins and minerals either as commercial premix or from natural sources to supplement scavenging.
3. Following timely vaccination programme against the prevalent infections diseases particularly New Castle Disease through the help of veterinary extension staff to prevent disease outbreaks. Here the numbers of veterinary extension staff, their mobility and availability of cold storage facilities for the vaccines and the vaccination equipments is paramount.
4. Upgrading some of the rural poultry farming to a relatively large size flocks kept confined on a semi commercial scale where broilers and layers are properly fed and managed
Attention to improvement in rural farming will not only accelerate egg and poultry meat production in the district but will significantly enhance the income of the rural poor particularly the youth and the women in the rural areas.
Grass cutter Production: There is great potential for grass cutter rearing in the district. There exists in the district high amount of naturally occurring fodder for the feeding of the grass cutter and also cheap materials for the construction of the paddocks of the animals.
The water bodies in the district do not store enough water for fishing. However, very small amount of fishing is done in the Tordzi, Kalakpa and Awator rivers during the raining season. The district has a high potential for fish culture to be tapped. The low lying lands and streams can be dammed to store water which can be stocked with desirable species of fish. Some commercial farmers in the district have constructed dams and stock them with Tilapia. Reasonable amount of fish are harvested from these dams every year. eg. Prana Farms at Kpetoe and Kwakume farms at Wumenu. . The underlying clay of the land can help store enough water for profitable investment into aquaculture.
Projects in partnership with donors/investors
Private investors have established agricultural projects in the district. Over 200 acres have been put under mango and oil palm plantations at Wumenu and Akwetey areas.
Reddecop Ministries, an NGO has established 5 hectares of pineapple plantation at Helekpe in 2005 and stumped more land for expansion.
Other investors in the district include the Jaggee Brothers who have invested into production of maize at Kpogadzi some few kilometers from Kpetoe.
The community Based Rural Development Project (CBRDP) successor project to VIP has been introduced in the district to reduce rural poverty and improve upon income levels of the productive poor and the quality of life of beneficiaries.
Farmers have been sensitized and more than 300 FBOs and individual entrepreneurs have applied to the local rural banks for financial assistance in December 2005. The VIP in the past year made little impart on the lives of the people, it was hoped that CBRDP will achieve its objective to improve on income levels of the rural people. This dream was not however achieved to the fullest.
Food and Agricultural Budgetary Support Fund (FABS) was introduced to the district in 2005. Under the fund 206 million from CIDA was disbursed to 10 farmer groups and individuals to improve mainly the animal sector. The farmers who benefitted from this loan felt reluctant to pay the loan back. .
Block Farm
The Block Farm is operational in the district in 2010. Under the Block Farm, government provides ploughing services and supply inputs to the farmer who pays back at the end of the season. The farmer can also sell his produce to the government as payment in kind if he chooses. Presently there was 15 groups which have been registered for the 2011 programme in the cultivation of grain maize, rice seed maize and a larger percentage in the production of tomatoes.
Services to Agriculture
Ministry, Departments and agencies related to Agricultures in the government and the private sectors provide services to the farmer to raise their standard of living through increased production.
Agricultural Input dealers
Agricultural input supply such as seeds, fertilizers and cutlasses etc. to farmers in the district is not very good. There are very few retail stores (Ziope, Akpokofe, Wudzedeke and Kpetoe) and most farmers in the district have to travel to Ho or Mafi Kumasi to buy their needs.
Tractor Service
More than 60% of farmers in the district use services in order to enhance timely land preparation and also to increase their farm sizes. However there are few tractors in the district and only one tractor for the District Assembly. This situation creates high demand for tractor services as every farmer wanted to plough his or her field. In times when the rains come early in the district, tractors migrate from neighboring Mafi Kumasi, Akatsi, Ho and other areas to serve farmers and leave when they have their urn of rainfall. Investors are encouraged to buy tractors and send them to the district during the seasons to plough for farmers.
Extension Services
Agricultural Extension service is available for farmers in the district. Agricultural Extension Agents are stationed at 9 Operational areas in the district. Besides there are 2 seasoned Veterinary Technical Staff at Kpetoe and Ahunda who deliver animal health care services throughout the district. These officers reach the breath and length of the district with Extension advice to farmers. They organize farmers into FBOs and train them on animal production, traditional and non-traditional crop production. Other services extended to farmers include field days and trips, production techniques, record keeping home management, good nutrition, HIV/AIDS awareness creation, gender mainstreaming, and at present, the bird flu awareness creation. However AEA/farmer ratio is so large that not all farmers are reached with the desired attention. The present AEA/farmer ration is 1:2.500 against 1:1500 which us the idea situation as quoted by the U.S Department of Agriculture.
Periodic training sessions and meetings are usually held for the technical staff of the District Agricultural Development Unit to equip them the modern and approved recommendations in production in all the sectors for onward dissemination to the farmers and any investor into agriculture into the district.
Rural development NGOs collaborate with MOFA and other developmental agencies to render agricultural services to farmer in the district.
Below are the major NGO’s operating in the district.
Non-Governmental Organizations in the District
1 | Reddacop Ministry | Helekpe & Sikaman | Pineapple plantation, plans to develop land and distribute to farmers, Tractor Services |
2 | CRAN | Hohoe | Financial assistance to farmers |
3 | Mountain tours | Abuadi | Tree planting at the mountains |
4 | Sadep | Akwete area | Rabitary project at Gbleve |
5 | Heifer Project International (HFI) | Kodzobi | Training farmers in beekeeping/ poultry production |
6 | Agency for Sustainable Development | Sofa Area | Carry out relevant information to groups |
Prices of agricultural commodities fluctuate in line with the previous rainfall pattern. Most agricultural commodities are available in moderate quantities in the local markets and beyond. Prices of food commodities usually go up in May and June and become stable when crops are harvested in July and august.
Standardization and Quality Control
Crops and animals produced in the district are of high standard and quality. Measures have been put in place to ensure that farmers produce standard produce of the required quality. Farmers have been taught recommended production techniques, good storage and marketing. The seed unit of PPRS ensures that seed growers produce high quality seed by keeping to seed production regulations. The seed unit has a large store at Ho where seeds are kept in a cold store. Before distribution to retail stores, the seeds are stored to remove the undersize, weighed, bagged and certified with seed grower’s Logo.
At the only Border post at Batume, MOFA staff inspects all agricultural commodities movement to ensure standardization and quality control. At least 60 – 80 tons of pineapples are exported to France through Batume Junction and Tema port every month.
Agro Processing
Agro processing provide value addition to agricultural commodities increasing marketability. Most agricultural commodities are soil in raw from especially the vegetable. Cassava is processed into gari, kokonte (dried chips), starch and dough. Maize being a staple food is milled into powder from or fermented dough. Pepper is parboiled and dried when harvested in the ripe form and sold whole whiled meat (especially grasscutter) is smoked. The processed products are utilized locally or sold in markets near and beyond. There is enough energy and water in the rural areas to aid in processing by any investor.
Diversification of agriculture in the district has called for the productions of crops and animals (which used to be produced on subsistence level) not only as food but on commercial basis to satisfy all monitory needs. In effect this crops and animals are produced to bird more income to and improve standard of living of the farmers.
Tomato production in Ziope and Akpokope areas continue to increase every year. Tomato has become the cash crop of the farmers and therefore is produced in large quantities attracting traders from far and near. The value placed on tomato in the area is very high and therefore calls for the establishment of a processing unit to process this tomatoes in order to forestall the problems usually encountered with glut.
The production of mango and pineapples are also being stepped up as large acreages of mango plantations are being established in the Akwetey and Wumenu areas. In the next few years mango stands a chance of being an export commodity in the district.
Climatic condition, good vegetation and other factors favour bee-keeping and honey production. Beekeeping and honey extraction is widespread in the district but mainly concentrated at A Helekpe and Abuadi operational areas. Many farmers need financial assistance to buy equipment to step up production. In fact there is a vision for honey as exportable commodity in the district.
The total road network in the district is about 213km. The only bitumen road in the district is the main road linking the district capital to Ziope and Ho totaling 41 kilometers. All the 120 communities are connected with different levels/degrees of roads. There is a relatively good road network condition in the district. Transportation in the district is relatively easy most especially in the Adaklu Traditional area. The major road linking the district to North Tongu and Ho Municipal is currently under construction and therefore there will be more improvement in transportation network in the near future. Farm access roads are available for carting of foodstuff. There is a regular programme of resurfacing of the roads by the district assembly.
The Unity Rural Bank with headquarters at Ziope serves the banking needs of the people in the district with a branch at Kpetoe. The Banks usually provide credit facilities to promote agricultural production as well as commercial activities in the district.
The major markets in the district are situated in Kpetoe, Ziope and Adaklu Waya. The markets have five days cycle These markets enable the people in the district to move from place to place in order to buy and sell. The
The district is an important producer of food crops, livestock and fish in the region and as a result a number of market settlements have developed where vigorous trading takes place. These markets offer producers locations to meet buyers and also give them opportunity to buy agricultural inputs.
1 | Kpetoe | Yams, fish, maize, tomato, pepper, cassava, Groundnut sheep/goats, local poultry and other foodstuffs | Every five days | Major |
2 | Ziope | Fish, maize, tomato, pepper okro, gari, meat, sheep/goats, local poultry and other foodstuffs . | Every five days | Major |
3 | Adaklu Waya | Fish, pepper, cassava, cassava dough, groundnut | Every five days | Minor |
The major foodstuffs that are normally found in these markets include tomatoes, okro, yam plantain cassava among others. The district imports items from other parts of the country Apart from foodstuffs that are cheaper in the district other non-foodstuffs such as building materials and cosmetics and detergents are brought from Ho, Aflao and Accra into the district.
The only bank in the Adaklu Anyigbe District is the Unity Rural Bank- Ziope with a branch at Kpetoe. The absence of major commercial banks in the district discourages investment. Many workers have to travel to Ho in order to access banking facilities.
As a way to ensure adequate security for business to flourish two police stations are established at Ziope, Kpetoe Tsrefe and Adaklu Waya.
The district links economically with major marketing centres in the neighbouring districts and towns. Trading goes on between the district and Ho municipality, Akatsi, Ketu South. Ketu North, Accra, Tema the Republic of Togo.
Adaklu Anyigbe district is a major tourism destination in the region.. The rich culture of the District which is displayed during festivals and some major physical landmarks are major tourism potentials.
Tourism Potentials
S/N | Tourism Potential | Location |
1 | Kente Exhibitions | Kpetoe, Akpokofe |
2 | Kalakpa forest Reserve | Kalakpa |
3 | Adaklu Mountains | Helekpe |
4 | Brown Cotton | Abuadi |
5 | Shrines | Ziope, Seva, Dorglobo, Tumor |
6 | The German Bridge on River Tordze | Adaklu Waya |
7 | Clusters of Borassus aethiopiacum | Agortime and Adaklu areas |
8 | Agbamevorza | Kpetoe |
9 | Agbleza | Ziope |
Available Farm Lands/Irrigation Potentials
The total land area of the district is 1060.61 sq km. About two-thirds of this land is suitable and available for diverse agricultural productions and therefore of a great potential to any investor into agriculture in the district. Use can be made of the few rivers and streams in the district in development of irrigation because almost all the water resources have large tracts of suitable and fertile lands on their banks. Thre are some lands which are government owned.
Available Farm Lands
Kpetoe | Government | District Chief Executive | Maize, Upland Rice, Pulses, Vegetables, tree crops | Contacts for these lands should be made in collaboration with the chiefs of the areas |
Kpetoe | Government | District Chief Executive | Lowland, Rice, pulses, Vegetables, tree crops | |
Adedome | Government | District Chief Executive | Maize, Rice, Vegetables, pulses, Cotton |