The Inland Valleys Rice Development Project (IVRDP) is being implemented by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture at a total cost of UA 17.1 million, comprising a loan of UA 15 million (88%) from the African Development Bank (AFDB) and a Government of Ghana contribution of UA 2.1 million (12%).
Ghana has abundant natural resource base from the numerous inland valleys found in the country’s agro-ecological zones. It has been demonstrated that inland valley rice production is more profitable than both conventional irrigation and upland cropping, provided water management is improved and farmers adopt improved rice production practices. The IVRDP is providing a basis for sustainable rice development in the inland valleys through provision of simple, low-cost water management structures (weirs, dykes, canals, drains and basins/ plots), use of improved production inputs and post-harvest management practices.
The Project seeks to enhance food security, reduce importation of rice and increase incomes of smallholder rice producers, traders and processors through increased production of good quality rice.
The project is operating in 38 communities in 21 districts of five (5) regions:
Ashanti Region: Ejisu-Juaben, Ahafo Ano South, Ahafo Ano North, Ejura-Sekyedumasi.
Brong Ahafo Region: Tano South, Tano North, Atebubu.
Central Region: Assin North.
Eastern Region: Birim South, Birim Central, Akyemannsa, Kwaebibirem.
Western Region: Shama, Mpohor Wassa East, Nzema East, Wassa West, Wassa Amenfi, Aowin- Suaman, Sefwi-Wiawso, Bia, Juabeso.
Land Development:
- Survey, design and clearing of 1500ha of valley sites.
- Levelling and Terracing of rice fields.
- Development of water control structures, e.g. contour bunds, dykes, etc.
- Improvement of 38.4km farm/access tracks.
Credit for Crop Development:
- Short-term production credit for 300 rice production groups (for seed, fertilizers and agro-chemicals).
- Inventory credit for 37 rice trader groups (to purchase paddy).
- Medium-term equipment credit for rice production (20 power tillers, 10 rice reapers, 10 rice threshers) and rice processing (5 improved rice mills, 5 storage sheds, 12 digital moisture meters).
Capacity Building
- Formation of 300 farmer groups
- Training of 10 Research Scientists and MoFA staff.
- Training of rice producers, processors and traders.
- Development of rice production technologies.
- Conduct of Farmer Field Schools
- Production of technical manuals/ fact sheets on rice.
- On-farm evaluation of 10 improved varieties.
- Production of 60mt of rice seed.
- Integrated crop and pest management systems studies.
- Ethno-botanical survey of inland valleys.
- Production of 1000 rice production manuals, 1000 production guides and 2000 factsheets.
Adaptive Research and Surveys
- Project Coordination
- Project implementation directed by Project Steering Committee and Regional Technical Committees.
- Implementation and execution of individual project activities achieved through respective Regional and Agricultural Development Units of MOFA.
- Collaboration with CSIR-CRI as lead research institute, and participation with Dept. of Feeder Roads, District Health Management Teams and National Directorates of MOFA in the implementation of key project activities.
Land Management
- 2500ha selected inland valleys surveyed and designed in the 5 project regions.
- Development of water control structures covering 1463ha, in 48 schemes, is on-going in all five (5) regions.
- Upgrading of 38.4km of access/farm tracks is on-going in all five (5) regions.
Rice Cropping under Manual Land Development: A total area of 914ha inland valleys (Ashanti- 100ha, Brong Ahafo- 277ha, Central- 43ha, Eastern- 40ha and Western- 354ha) has been manually developed from 2004 and put under cropping. Average paddy yield in 2009 was 3.0t/ha. These valleys are undergoing improvement by contractors.
Credit for Crop Development
US$1.0m drawn-down from AfDB and on-lent to AgDB as production, inventory and equipment credit to rice farmers, traders and processors.
- 15 seed growers supported with credit to produce estimated 45.5mt of rice seed (Jasmine 85 and Sikamo) from 15ha in Ashanti, Brong Ahafo and Western regions, for 2010 cropping.
- 300 production groups formed to-date.
- 37 marketing groups formed to-date.
- 10 miller/processor groups formed to-date
Capacity Building
- 50 beneficiary farmers trained on production of good quality seed.
- 36 Agricultural Extension Agents (AEAs), 18 District Development Officers (DDOs) and 5 Regional Development Officers (RDOs) trained as trainers on efficient herbicide use for the management of weeds in inland valleys.
- 36 AEAs and 18 DDOs trained as trainers of project beneficiaries on HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Family Planning and nutrition.
- Five (5) demonstration rice processing structures (comprising rice mill house and storage shed) under construction at Tepa (Ashanti Region), Atebubu (Brong Ahafo Region), Assin Praso (Central Region), Abenase (Eastern Region) and Kobina Anokrom/ Ohiamadwen (Western Region). The structures will be installed with improved smallholder rice mills.
Surveys and Adaptive Research
- Ethno-botanical survey of inland valley sites completed by Department of Botany, UG, Legon/ CERGIS, UG, Legon.
- Five rice varieties released (Jasmine 85, ARC Baika, Marshall, ITA 324, Bouake 189).
- On farm verification/ demonstration of released varieties, for selection and adoption by farmers at project sites.
- Rice-based cropping systems trials on-going.
Project Coordination
- Project Steering Committee (PSC) and five (5) Regional Technical Committees (RTCs) in place and functioning
- PSC Members on field visit
- PSC Members monitoring a farmaccess track being upgraded
- PSC Members interacting with District Chief Executive, Shama District, Western Region
- Project farmer responding to issues during farmers’ forum with PCU, RADU and DADU at Ohiamadwen, Shama District, Western Region
- Healthy growing rice crop in the valley manually developed by farmers, with credit support from project.
- Harvested rice awaiting threshing.
- AEAs, DDOs and RDOs being trained as trainers of project beneficiaries on HIVAIDS, Malaria, Family Planning and nutrition in Takoradi.