The Study on “Development of Improved Infrastructure and Technology for Rice Production in Africa


The study

The Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) started the study on Developing Improved Infrastructure and Technology for Rice Production in Africa (DIITRPA) in 2008 financially aided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) in Japan. The study is currently focusing on validating techniques that JIRCAS has acquired through a year-and-añhalf study in Ghana, and JIRCAS has been in the stage of disseminating a technical manual to other countries in Africa including Ethiopia. JIRCAS has begun validity study in Ethiopia because of its enough potential to develop rice production. In this paper, I would like to explain about an idea of dissemination based on the activities implemented so far by JIRCAS to be understood by stakeholders as well as institutes concerned in Ethiopia.

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