Central Region


Agricultural Engineering Services

The RADU, engineering unit has 3 core functions namely;

1.  Mechanization – (farm power and machinery)

2.  Soil and water management

3.  Post harvest management


Agricultural Mechanisation Services Centres (AMSECs)

Four (4) Agricultural Mechanisation Services Centres set up along the coast, major ploughable areas of the region. They constituted the major source of mechanised services to the Block Farm Project in the Central Region.

Each has the following equipment/ Machinery

– 5 tractor heads of (54 hp- 65hp) various bands.

– Land preparation implements (Gang Disc plough, harrows, Riggers and Trailers).

–  Some of the centres have other equipment like, maize shelters, 4-6 Row planters and 10m Span Boom Sprayers.


Sale Of Tractors/Equipment

The Central Regional MoFA has in stock

  • Power tillers
  • Irrigation pumps
  • Irrigation  sprinkler systems
  • Various brands of tractors (out of stock)
  • These are sold to farmers on hire purchase based.

Asuansi Agricultural Research Station

Located in the Abura/Asebu/Kwamankese District.

  • Wing of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture
  • Raises tree crop seedlings for sale to farmers
  • Sale of fruits (coconut, oil palm and citrus) to the public.
  • Management of citrus germ plasm
  • Multiplication of planting materials and
  • Conduct research and adaptive trials in collaboration with research institutions.
  • Staff Strength 18, Male = 16 and Female = 2

Asuansi Farm Institute

  • Located near the Agricultural Research Station
  • Training of farmers in improved crop and livestock production technologies and non – traditional areas like beekeeping, mushroom production, snail production among others.


Inland Valleys Rice Development Project

The objective of the project in the Assin North Municipality is to increase the incomes of smallholder rice producers in the project area by increasing the production of good quality rice through the adoption of good agricultural practices.

The operations of the project in the Assin North area therefore, was centered on activities aimed at achieving the above objectives. The focus of the activities were under the five (5) main project components namely

  • Land development and management

A total of 64.79 ha of land in designated valleys at Assin Bereku, Assin Asempanaye and Assin Akropong was                      awarded on contract and is at various level of development. Developed lands are expected to be made available                for rice production in the year.

  • Apart from what the project is developing farmers within the project catchment area also developed a total of 22.4 hectares manually which was put under production. Estimated yield for farmers under the project was 3.38 metric tones per Hectare.
  • Upgrading and construction of two (2) access roads to valleys in Assin Bereku and Assin Asempanaye were completed in 2010.The total length of the access roads created is 2.8km. The rehabilitated and newly constructed roads are to enhance the carting of paddy from the fields to the processing points.
  • Credit for crop development
  • Linking Rice farmers and groups to Agricultural Development Bank and other sources for credit
  • Capacity building
  • Training of farmers in good agriculture practices in rice agronomy, post harvest handling, rice processing and marketing
  • Education on health and environmental issues
  • Adaptive research
  • Rice varietal trials and farming systems
  • Project coordination




Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) Programme

  • 55 groups comprising 2,575 members have been formed.
  • Starter Pack (SP) supplied to 2,661 farmers in the Gomoa East, Gomoa West, Effutu and Awutu Senya Districts for the 2010 major farming season.
  • A starter pack of 9kg seed maize, 2 bags of NPK fertilizer, 1 bag of Sulphate of Ammonia fertilizer, 1 respirator and 1 pair of Wellington boots was given to each farmer.

Root and Tuber Improvement and Marketing Programme (RTIMP)

It is mandated to build a competitive and market based root and tuber commodity chain including:

  • Development of the cassava industry through planting material multiplication and processing of produce into Gari, cassava dough, Tapioca, starch and flour.
  • Processing sweet  potato into Potaghurt (Women in the Central Region have been trained)
  • Quality cassava flour and starch processing (Tropical Starch Factory at Abura Dunkwa).
  • 493 farmers and agro processors sensitized on improved Gari processing under the Micro Enterprise Fund (MEF).
  • To access stainless steel graters, engines, screw press, smokeless stoves among others.
  • Participating financial institutions (Assinman and Bawjiase Rural Banks).
  • Beneficiaries                                – 10% of the full cost of the equipment.
  • RTIMP (grant)                – 30%.
  • Rural Bank (credit)                    -60%
  • Good practice processing centre (GPC)  –  Abura Dunkwa
  • 50 agro processors trained in business management.
  • 15 agro processors trained in business plan development.


Farmer-Based Organisations

  • A total of 264 FBOs have been formed and registered with DADUs
  • 156 production groups formed (producing cassava, maize, sweet potato, vegetables, rice, pineapple, citrus, cashew and woodlot, coconut, poultry, small ruminants, pigs, grasscutter, fish farming, beekeeping, sericulture)
  • 108 processing groups into processing cassava into gari, fish processing, oil palm into palm oil and palm kernel oil, and rice milling.

Collaboration With Development Partners

  MOAP GIZ Strengthening of FBOs, capacity building,  citrus and pineapple value chain development, institutional strengthening
  World Vision Ghana Strengthening of FBOs, capacity building, credit support (Pig, goat, grasscutter, fishery)
  SNV Capacity building along Pineapple value chain, FBOs strengthening Research into pineapple
  ADVANCE Support training programmes in pineapple and citrus, Facilitate credit support to farmers in pineapple value chain
  Oasis Foundation Beekeeping, poultry (cockerels), chilli
  Plan Ghana Stregthening of FBOs, farmers’ capacity building, support farmers with irrigation (Livestock and vegetables)
  Unleashing the power of cassava in Africa (UPoCA) Cassava
  One acre Capacity building in staple food crop production
  West Africa Fair Fruit Adaptive trials into pineapple production
  Millennium Development Authority FBOs capacity building, provide credits to farmers into maize and  vegetables production
  CSIR Adaptive trials into sweet potato production
  School of Agriculture, UCC Farmer Field Fora (Cassava,sweet potato)
  Ghana Health Service HIV/AIDs,TB and malaria control and nutrition improvement
  School Feeding Programme Supply of local food stuffs
  CEDECOM General agriculture
  Hunger Project Credit support to farmers, capacity building for farmers, support self-initiated projects
  Twifo Oil Palm Plantation Support oil palm production by providing extension services, processing of palm oil
  Banks (Kakum Rural Bank, ADB, Pro Credit) Financial support, consultancy services to clients
  GRATIS Foundation Fabrication of Agric machinery


Fertilizer Subsidy Programme

In 2009, the coupon system was used and in 2010, the Waybill/Receipt System is being used.

  Compound Fertilizer (NPK) 27.00
  Urea 25.00
  Sulphate of Ammonia (SOA) 18.00



The region has 2 irrigation sites at

  • Mankessim (vegetable and fruit production)
  • Okyereko (Rice production)
  • A number of Small Scale Irrigation Schemes scattered in the region

There is promotion of small scale irrigation schemes using the 6.5 hp and 17 hp pumps, since the region is with water sources.

Kindly contact the Central Regional Office for information /data in machinery situation and the location of various agro-processors, agro-processing fabrication shops and grain storage facilities within the region.




Farmer registration exercise is in progress.  A total of 17,585 farmers have been registered.

  • 7,632 females
  • 9,953 males



The MoFA, Central Region took delivery of 2 Ford Everest Mobile Information Vans equipped with modern audio – visual equipment for disseminating improved technologies to the masses.

Vans have been used to educate farming communities in the Central Region on modern agricultural production recommendations and to provide agricultural related information and other emerging issues to farmers.

Documentaries on cockerel production, maize cultivation and processing for grains and seed and beekeeping are some of the learning materials being developed for farmers.


ACHEIVEMENTS (2008 – 2010)


  • With the other staples notably maize, modest gains have been chalked.
  • Block Farm Project, an intervention in food security by the government was implemented in ten (10) districts.

Grain maize                – 481.25 hectares

Seed maize                – 279.4 hectares

  • Inputs supplied to farmers included:

The cost of land preparation, seed, agro – chemicals (fertilizers, weedicides and pesticides).

  • Direct beneficiaries

Grain farmers                        – 623 (601males and 22 females)

Seed growers                        -47

  • Indirect beneficiaries                        -1,823.
  • Indicate crop yield or production level.


The minor season vegetables and rice Block farms commenced in the beginning of the minor season of 2010.  Ten (10) Metro/Mun/District Directorates were involved in the vegetable component whiles one (1) was engaged in rice production.

A total of 103.04 hectares of land was put under vegetable production. Some of the vegetables cultivated included pepper, garden eggs, okra, and cabbage among others.  Apart from the Mfantseman Municipal which undertook the production under Irrigation at Baafikrom the rest cultivated at low land areas and also under rainfed conditions.  Farmers at Baafikrom had their fields ploughed two times to enhance farming activities.

The numbers of farmers who were involved in the vegetable component totalling 294 made up of 239 males and 55 females.

The rice Block Farm was undertaken mainly by the Okyereko Rice Growers Cooperative at the Okyereko Irrigation site. A total of 106 farmers made up of 66 males and 40 females were involved.  A total of 50 hectares of land was under production and at various stages of development. Farmers who planted very early were expected to start harvesting by the end of March. A total of 250 bags of NPK and 250 bags of SOA were supplied to the rice farmers under the Block Farm Project.


  • To improve the incomes of farmers as an alternative livelihood, the government has introduced the Cockerel Project which is aimed at supplying improved cockerels to rural households.
  • Currently, 391 (260 males and 131 females) low income farm households supplied with 7,182 cockerel chicks.
  • 7 training workshops on biosecurity were organized for poultry and livestock farmers during the year.
  • Out of Seventeen Thousand, Seven Hundred and Ninety – One Ghana Cedis Fifty Ghana Pesewas (GH ¢17,791.50), Thirteen Thousand, Five Hundred and Seventy – Six Ghana Cedis (GH¢ 13,576.50) had been recovered representing 76.3%. Outstanding debts stand at Four Thousand, Two Hundred and Fifteen Ghana Cedis (GH¢ 4,215.00).




  • Good raw material base: (citrus, pineapple, cocoa, cassava, fisheries, oil palm
  • Availability of arable lands over 2500sq km under develop
  • Processing companies (TOPP, CGL, Mandies, Fruittiland, Ameen Sanghari, Ayensu starch)
  • Water bodies (sea- longest coast line, streams, rivers)
  • Existence of development partners
  • NGOs, CEDECOM, Financial institutions
  • Bi-modal rainfall pattern
  • Available institutions : universities, NBSSI, Research, Metro, GRATIS, Polytechnics, MoFA, IDA, EPA
  • Labour force /manpower
  • Availability of data on agric
  • Strategic location of the region to the ports in Ghana.
  • High tourism potential
  • Potential for commercial production of animals
  • Existence of abandoned agric infrastructure
  • Emerging road side marketing


large scale poultry farmers 72
Small  scale farmers 452
Livestock farmers 946
Poultry (commercial) about 175,092
Poultry (local) 92,314
Sheep 115,136
Goats 132,012
Pigs 40,210
Cattle 7,125



Revenue Generation

An amount of GH¢14,326.70 was generated from the following animal health activities;

Vaccine= GH¢3,588.30

Service charge on meat inspection, movement permit, animal treatment= GH¢10,738.40

Animal Health Extension And Livestock Disease Surveillance In 2010

120 Veterinary field officers vaccinated the following number of farm animals against schedule diseases;

  1. Sheep- 3,004
  2. Goats-4,446
  3. Newcastle-232,500 birds
  4. Gumboro-73,000birds
  5. Fowl pox-37,500 birds
  6. Rabies: dogs -2,482
  7. Monkey-1
  8. Cats -351


Meat Inspection


Sheep -2,512

Goats -3,920

Pigs- 20

Movement Permit Granted

Cattle- 128

Sheep- 188

Goats -715

Pigs- 483

Veterinary Clinics and Treatment of Animals by RADU and DADU

17 sets of veterinary drugs purchased and 5,272 animals were treated against endo and ecto-parasites, wounds, dystokia, pathological lesions and other diseases



1.1      Cropped Area Of Major Crops (2008 – 2010)

* Figures in hectares

2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010
Upper Denkyira 9,570 9,760 9825 726 740 760 10,780 11,000 8,750 5,607 5,660 5,640 5,800 5,860 5,840 429 440 465
Twifo-Herman/L. Denkyira 6,281 6,410 6,570 556 570 585 9,720 9,910 9,870 2,035 2,060 1,985 1,821 1,840 2,980 372 380 395
Assin South 3,924 4,000 40,475 550 590 610 4,061 4,140 4,660 1,320 1,280 1,300 1,360 1,400 1,260 77 80 85
Assin North 9,460 9,650 9,835 1,887 2,040 2,115 10,230 10,440 9,580 2,211 2,150 2,210 1,716 1,760 1,655 201 200 210
Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese 3,975 3,980 4,015 129 130 135 5,011 5,060 4,950 825 810 755 1,111 1,120 1,105 103 110 115
Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa 4,799 4,890 5,010 43 40 45 4,474 4,610 4,600 17 20 17 348 360 420     20
Mfantsiman 13,169 13,300 6,945       11,004 11,220 9,840     0 302 310 300      
Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem 12,840 12,970 13,310       14,931 15,230 15,140       443 450 490      
Ajumako-Esiam-Enyan 6,371 6,370 5,560       7,150 7,290 6,350 1,320 1,330 1,090 479 490 510 866 880 810
Awutu-Efutu-Senya 20,253 20,860 18,000       30,782 31,710 30,710           80 234 240 200
Gomoa 7,699 7,930 6,110 45 50 40 3,824 3,900 3,450       57 60 55 23 20 12
Cape Coast 8,038 8,120 8,115       7,488 7,560 7,200 544 530 415 137 140 130      
Agona 6,118 6,300 5,700       6,422 6,610 5,210 3,053 2,990 2,450 2,917 3,000 2,700 597 620 505
TOTAL 112,498 114,540 103,070 3,935 4,160 4,290 125,878 128,680 120,310 16,931 16,830 15,862 16,491 16,790 17,525 2,902 2,970 2,817




2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010
Upper Denkyira 2.4 2.4 2.45 1.2 1.2 1.2 20.54 20.54 20.5 7.22 7.22 6.7 9.11 9.11 9 5.8 5.8 5.8
Twifo-Herman/L. Denkyira 2.8 2.8 2.85 1.2 1.19 1.2 32 32 32 0.2 0.2 4.8 12.1 9.11 9.05 4.5 4.5 4.5
Assin South 1.93 2.4 2.42 1.2 1.2 1.2 12.69 12.69 13 4.4 1.4 4.4 8.7 9.11 9.3 5.45 5.38 5.4
Assin North 1.49 1.41 1.42 1.2 1.2 1.2 13.06 13.06 13 4.62 4.62 4.6 6.09 6.11 6 5.51 5.5 5.5
Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese 1.84 1.84 1.82 1.37 1.38 1.4 9.07 9.07 9 4.52 4.52 4.55 5.36 5.36 5 5.36 5.27 5.15
Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa 2 2 2 1.2 1.25 1.25 13.35 13.35 13.85 4.3 4.5 4.5 8.5 8.47 8.5     4.5
Mfantsiman 2.4 2.4 2.15       9.44 9.44 9.4       4.12 4.13 3.9      
Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem 1.5 1.5 1.55       13.8 13.8 14       5.8 5.8 5.8      
Ajumako-Esiam-Enyan 2 2.4 2.05       19.32 19.32 19.65 5 7.22 7.35 10.81 10.82 11 4.4 4.39 4.4
Awutu-Efutu-Senya 1.81 1.75 1.65       13.13 13.13 13.5           13.6 5.57 5.54 5.64
Gomoa 2.5 2.48 2 2.9 2.8 2.8 14.77 14.77 15       7.2 7.33 7.3 5.5 5.8 5
Cape Coast 1.24 1.24 1.2       16.47 16.47 16.5 4.25 4.25 4.25 7.4 7.5 7.5      
Agona 2.73 2.65 2.25       21.44 21.44 21.5 7.25 7.25 7.25 14.18 14.18 12 9.07 9.06 8.5
TOTAL 2.00 1.98 1.9 1.47 1.22 1.22 15.68 15.83 15.92 4.64 5.42 5.94 8.28 9.55 8.77 5.68 5.82 5.58


1.3      Production Of Major Crops

Figures in metric tonnes

2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010
Upper Denkyira 22,968 23,420 24,071 871 890 912 221,421 225,950 179,375 40,503 40,890 37,788 52,858 53,390 52,560 2,488 2,550 2,697
Twifo-Herman/L. Denkyira 17,587 17,950 18,725 667 680 702 311,027 1,710 315,840 407 420 9,528 22,028 21,712 26,969 1,673 1,710 1,778
Assin South 7,573 7,320 9,862 660 710 732 51,537 430 60,580 5,808 5,630 5,720 11,832 12,180 11,718 420 430 459
Assin North 14,105 13,610 13,966 2,264 2,440 2,538 133,624 1,100 124,540 10,215 9,630 10,166 10,215 10,760 9,930 1,110 1,100 1,155
Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese 7,303 7,310 7,307 176 180 189 45,462 580 44,550 3,725 3,660 3,435 5,949 6,000 5,525 554 580 592
Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa 9,575 9,760 10,020 51 50 56 59,724   63,710 71 90 77 2,955 3,050 3,570      
Mfantsiman 31,605 31,920 14,932       103,881   92,496       1,246 1,280 1,170      
Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem 19,260 19,450 20,631       206,053   211,960       2,571 2,610 2,842      
Ajumako-Esiam-Enyan 12,742 15,285 11,398       138,138 3,860 124,778 6,600 6,650 8,012 5,173 5,300 5,610 3,809 3,860 3,564
Awutu-Efutu-Senya 36,577 36,500 29,700       404,019 1,330 414,585             1,304 1,330 1,128
Gomoa 19,248 19,670 12,220 131 140 112 56,480 116 51,750       410 440 402 124 116 60
Cape Coast 9,967 10,070 9,738       123,327   118,800 2,312 2,250 1,764 1,014 1,050 975      
Agona 16,703 16,700 12,825       137,690 5,620 112,015 22,131 21,680 17,763 41,351 42,530 32,400 5,419 5,620 4,293
TOTAL 225,214 226,420 195,394 4,819 5,090 5,241 1,992,384 17,296 1,914,979 91,771 91,200 94,252 157,838 160,302 153,671 16,900 17,296 15,725



The aim of the plan Protection and Regulatory services Directorate is to achieve an efficient system that ensures that crop losses caused by biological, environmental and ecological factors are contained in a pragmatic, sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.

The activities of the directorate in the region are:

–  Crop Pests and Diseases Management

– Seed Inspection and certification

– Pesticides and Fertilizer Management

– Phytosanitary Educational, Inspection and Certification


1. Phytosanitary Certification GH¢ 800.00 GH¢ 785.00 GH¢ 1,200.00 GH¢ 1,137.00
2. Training of Pesticides and Fertilizers Dealers 6 6 6 5
3. Radio Programmes on PPRSD Activities 12 20 15 25
4. Monitoring of Pesticides and fertilizer and Dealers 14 13 14 20
5. Licensing of pesticides, fertilizer and seed Dealer s 90 98 143 160
6. For a on Medical Plant Material 2 4


Located in the South –Western centre of Ghana, the Central Region shares boundary with the Ashanti Region in the North, Eastern Region to the North-East, Greater Accra Region to the South-East and on the West by the Western Region. It is bounded to the south by the Gulf of Guinea. The region has a coastline of 150Km, and is the longest coastline in Ghana. It is one of the smallest regions in Ghana, only bigger than Upper East and the Greater Accra Regions.

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